Residents In Modern Times Headcanon

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Requested on Tumblr: "Hello glorious author-chan! I have a request for you

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Requested on Tumblr: "Hello glorious author-chan! I have a request for you. I have a fun little imagine for you. Can you make an Ikemen Vampire imagine of what their reactions would be like in modern times?"

A/N: I honestly don't know what this is, like it ended up as the child of a drabble and a headcanon.

Warning: implied smut and nudity (come on Arthur is here)

Napoleon Bonaparte:

- He'd be shocked and in awe at the same time.

- Wanting to know EVERYTHING about how people live in the 21st century.Is it a better, easier life? 

- Is everyone treated equally and safe?

- He's astonished by the night lights as well, so bright and beautiful.It's absolutely unforgettable and he stays up at night a little longer to watch the busy city below, drinking the beautiful view until he falls asleep. 

- Also more content with the clothing fashion.

- Yes it's very unusual to him since he's not used to it but clothes used to be so uncomfortable, especially for women.

- Though he really didn't feel comfortable with such revealing clothes. 

- He's very cute about it around you though, hiding in your neck with flushed, embarrassed cheeks. 

Leonardo Da Vinci:

- Doesn't show his amazement as much except through his tone of voice.

- Wants to know how a phone works.

- Surprisingly -- or unsurprisingly -- not having to explain it regularly, he picks up on it very quickly.

- He's very impressed. 

- Your days were divided into visiting shops, showing him technologies, public transport, probably every single thing about the city and cuddling in bed and showing him how the TV works because "the mattress is so comfortable".

- Even though you know how comfortable a surface is, never stopped him from falling asleep.

- He really likes it in the modern day.I think he would be one of the residents that would fit in rather quickly and easily. 

Comte De Saint Germain: 

- It's not that much of a shocker for him for obvious reasons but because you'd spent your life in modern day, he got to see your view and had a much positive outlook on it.

- Not that it was negative to begin with, he just didn't pay as much attention to it before and now that he has, it's eye opening, in a way. 

- He loved the sparkle in your eyes as you rejoiced in the things you used to know before you travelled back in time. 

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