part : 25 ( wolf's heart )

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no one's pov :

jungkook never drinks but today he gonna drink until he can't even feel his pain..

it's unbearable.. jungkook mumbled and started to drink .

when he finished whole bottle..

he felt like he is happiest person on earth but suddenly he started to cry loudly when he remember taehyung doesn't love him.

kim taehyung you are lucky i love you otherwise you head would've in jk's hand .. jungkook shouted.

but i freaking love you.. he cried out..

he is totally waste..if people recognize him as prince jk that will defame him so bad but he doesn't care...

he looked at sky it's blurry actually everything is blurry .he can't even see properly..

yahh kim taehyung i oder you to come here, i oder you to come to me.. jungkook shouted..

jungkook ! he heard a voice..
he smirked he when he understand taehyung is here..

since when your deep voice became feminine kim taehyung? but i like it kinda sounds hot..jungkook said while wrapping his hand around tzuyu.

kookie you are totally drunk let's go before someone notice you... tzuyu said ..

iam not leaving taehyung i won't leave until you kiss think i run away from you last night because of kiss? stupid tae i run away because my heart was freakingly beating fast.. let's prove i didn't run away for kiss. i will kiss you kim taehyung.. jungkook said while pulling tzuyu closer.

tzuyu tried hard to push him but jungkook is strong...

since when you body became feminine babe .uh iam loving it but you are even more beautiful than any woman i saw you know that? i was never interested to man but for you i don't care you are man or women i just want taehyung, kim taehyung.. jungkook shouted

jungkook iam not taehyung.. tzuyu said..

haha stop lying! trying to leave me again? not gonna happen are mine. stop tricking.. jungkook said..

i love you taehyung i love you so much.. jungkook shouted again..

tzuyu don't know what to do.. she is staring at her drunk bestfriend prince jeon jungkook who dangerously in love with taehyung..

suddenly jungkook pulled her in kiss..

she can feel jungkook's love for taehyung through the kiss.. her tears started to fall..

suddenly jungkook pull away from kiss..

i love you so much.. jungkook muttered..

jungkook's pov :

i woke up in the morning with bad headache..

shit why i drank that much. . i shouldn't have..

then suddenly i remember i kissed someone last night shit shit..

i was imagining that person as taehyung and kept calling that person taehyung..

wait that person told me her name..

what's that??


shit shit i kissed my bestfriend..

no !! i gripped my hairs frustratingly ..

i should apologise to her..

but before that i have to beg to taehyung not leave... i can't live without him.. though he is just a meathead who doesn't understand anything.. i love him too much to care about his meat head..

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