육:The Room on The 3rd floor

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6삽화:충계 번에 방


"Go away!"

I leaned my back against the door.

"Look I'm sorry, I just do that because I don't want to fall deeper, I mean you might not like me,"My voice held sincerity.

"Are you nuts? I like you already!" She yelled but what?!
She admit that she likes me.

"Yes, but I'm still mad,"

I begged her till I decided to stop this is useless. I need to give her some space so I walk downstairs suddenly the thunder rolls and the lighting crash the window.

I fell on the floor and my back damn hurts when the pain fades, I'm supposedly getting up when I heard her footsteps getting down stairs.


What does he think of me easy going? He keeps talking till I didn't hear his voice.

He's really annoying, after he take me last night he will just become cold and now he wants to talk then what will he tell me?
Will he tell me he'll leave me after he take me?

He doesn't knew much about me, so is me to him. He doesn't knew why I was alone in this huge house, who and what am I.
But it's nor important anymore,
The thing is I like him.
But I still hate him, I'll talk to him some other time. What's with him? He just forced me to did that last night, he just forced me.
He forced me. Self he forced you,
You don't have a fault.

Awhile later I heard the creepy thunder, and still Clevinston is not talking, I can't hear any of his voice out the door, sh*t! What if he's dead?Did the lightning hit him?
I tried to extinguish the thought but I can't till I decide to go downstairs.

Damn! Clevinston is lying on the floor! I went to him.

"Clevinston?" The window is shattered, ugh another Italian window destroyed!

"Clevinston? Please don't die, I'll talk to you, we are okay, you understand? Wake up! Just wake up!"I tapped his face and I'm in panic when suddenly our lips met, he pulled me close and kiss me.

"You fool! You're awake?! You're not dead?" He smiled and shook his head then he pulled me again to kiss him, and I don't have the strength to refuse, It's Clevinston.

"I won't be dead, I still wanna be with you and heaven will be too lucky to have a handsome guy there," He said stroking my cheek,what he said was silly but it made my heart beats fast, I can't extend my anger any longer with this man.

"There's lots of pretty angels in heaven," I said.
"I know," he retort and that made my blood boil, he knows? So that means he like pretty angels too?
"I know there's a lot of pretty angels, but not as pretty as you, you are gorgeous, and you are my queen," He stroked my cheek and I nuzzled on his neck hiding my red face.

"You're fluttered ain't you?"
There's silence
"No way! Get up before I send you to real heaven!" I rolled my eyes playing hard to get. I'm still mad at him he take advantage of me last night.
I stood up and stomped my feet, walking away.

"Real heaven? Is it in cloud nine?" He mischievously asked and I flinched when he suddenly hug me from behind.

"Is it heaven in your bed?"
He huskily asked.
"Pervert! I'm still mad at you!
And I never wanted to do that with you! You take advantage with my innocence!" I yelled trying to get away from him.
"Really? But how about your moans last night? Your pleas?
We both enjoyed it," He nibbled my earlobe but I remained strong. I admit, I did enjoyed it, but he take advantage of me,
I don't want anything to happen between us unless I knew him enough. I want a sure destination when it comes to love, I can't be just a bed warmer.

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