칠:Electric Shock

51 1 1

7삽화:전기 충격

PB(pinkishblue): 삽화(sabhwa) means episode, 7삽화 means episode 7, it is read as 'chil-sabhwa', because it's K-drama inspired just §haring

Happy reading!


"Ate!( older sister), don't leave me, please I'm begging you!"
My chest tightens as Andrea begged on me hugging me tight.

"Don't leave me!" She cried again.
"Let her go Andrea! She's useless!" Mommy scolded pulling Andrea away.
Useless, right, that's what she call her daughters, we are not puppets nor robots, we have feelings, and not all the time we need to follow her.

"Ate, promise me, you're coming back, promise me!" Andrea is trying to get away from mommy.

"I promise, I'll be back, and when I return, You will never cry again,"

"You will never cry again, tse!"
Mommy gagged,
"Once you left, never come back again, because you are useless!
If you won't like to acquire our legacy, you better die or get lost! Useless!" Mommy yelled.
"No ate is coming back!"
"Aww poor girl!" Mommy just laughed.
"Ate is not useless! You are the useless here! You are never nice to us! You're a useless mom!"
Andrea yelled, she must not do that, but I don't wanna see my sister in that state anymore, I started walking away.


Andrea run and pulled me into a hug again.

"Hush, Andrea, be nice to mommy okay? I promise I'll return, I'll do this because I don't wanna be like mommy, I'll find our real dad, and he will help us,
I'll be back for you, you'll get away from here, don't cry, I know
you're a strong girl, when I'm back I wanna see a smile on your face," I said and she nodded letting me go...


This family picture is useless!
Mommy is never like a mommy to us, more like a cruel mom!

I ignited the picture and dropped it on the floor.
Not caring if it'll burn the room.
I get the picture of my dad and using the cat's blood I draw an X above it.

Seeing him again is impossible
I will never see him again,
I hate my dad!

I'm sorry Andrea seems like I can't do my promise.
"Ate, help me! Mommy is hurting me!" I heard a voice and I turned.
Andrea is burning! No!


Sweats ooze my body,
I gasp, I pant, It's just a dream,
Did something really happened to her? I look around tapping the space beside me, Where is Clevinston?

I get up and scanned the room using the flashlight, he's not here, I feel slightly hungry, there's still no electricity, I remembered I got some loaf bread on the table's drawer.
I made a sandwich using strawberry Jam and I ate it while walking.

I scanned the first floor but there's no sign of him, how about the third floor? But what will he do there? He can't opened the doors, but these morning, he did opened the kitchen door.
I rushed upstairs, what if he's in the room that he must not be into?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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