Kabbalistic (Sephiroth) Correspondences

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Kether: Crown of Creation (top)
Bliss, infinity, unity, Source, Godhead, purity, consciousness, divine inspiration.
Chakra: Crown
Color: White
Element: Spirit-Air
Planet: Galaxies, Neptune (symbol is one for Pluto)
Virtue: Unification with the Divine/alchemical perfection
Vice: None
Archangel: Metatron
Animal: Eagle
Crystal: Diamond
Incense: Ambergris

Chokmah: Wisdom (top right)
Wisdom, the Divine Masculine, lifeforce, wellspring, creativity. Merging of the Divine Mind and human thought.
Chakra: Third Eye
Color: Grey
Element: Spirit-Fire
Planet: Uranus/Zodiac constellations
Virtue: Devotion
Vice: None
Archangel: Raziel
Animal: Man
Crystal: Turquoise
Incense: Musk

Binah: Understanding (top left)
Understanding, the Divine Feminine, karma, time, space, death, limitation, divine womb. The Intelligence of God.
Chakra: Third Eye
Color: Black
Element: Spirit-Water
Planet: Saturn
Virtue: Silence
Vice: None
Archangel: Zaphkiel
Animal: Woman
Crystal: Pearl
Incense: Myrrh

Da'ath: Knowledge (top middle, hidden)
The state of all ten sephira united as one, the hidden Divine Light, unification, the Abyss; that which is obtained after decent into the Underworld, Shadow Work. The gate of the Divine.

Hesed: Love, Mercy (middle left)
Love, mercy, compassion, authority, creativity, inspiration, leadership The Mercy of God.
Chakra: Throat
Color: Blue
Element: Water
Planet: Jupiter
Virtue: Obedience, humility, faith
Vice: Tyrrany, hypocrisy, bigotry, greed
Archangel: Zadkiel
Animal: Unicorn
Crystal: Amethyst
Incense: Cedar

Geburah: Power, Strength (middle right)
Power, strength, war, energy, domination, passion, courage.
Chakra: Throat
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Virtue: Courage, loyalty, judgement.
Vice: Cruelty, destruction, punishment.
Archangel: Camael
Animal: Basilisk
Crystal: Ruby
Incense: Tobacco

Tiphareth: Beauty (middle, middle)
Beauty, harmony, heart, integrity, balance, self-sacrifice.
Chakra: Heart
Color: Yellow
Element: Air
Planet: Sun
Virtue: Integrity
Vice: Pride, self-importance
Archangel: Michael
Animal: Phoenix
Crystal: Topaz
Incense: Frankincense

Netzach: Victory, Endurance (bottom right)
Love, emotions, empathy and sympathy, pleasure, sensuality, lust, joy, eternity. The energy of God.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Color: Green
Element: Fire
Planet: Venus
Virtue: Selflessness, generosity
Vice: Lust, wantonness
Archangel: Haniel
Animal: Lynx
Crystal: Emerald
Incense: Sandalwood

Hod: Splendor, Majesty (bottom left)
Intellect, reason, meditation, intelligence, communication. The Glory of God.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Planet: Mercury
Virtue: Truthfulness, honesty
Vice: Lying, cheating
Archangel: Raphael
Animal: Jackal
Crystal: Fire Opal
Incense: Storax

Yesod: Foundation (bottom middle)
Creativity, sexual drive, masculinity, perception, imagination, emotion. Manifesting ideas. The Creative Force of God.
Chakra: Sacral
Color: Purple
Element: Air
Planet: Moon
Virtue: Independence, competence
Vice: Laziness
Archangel: Gabriel
Animal: Elephant
Crystal: Quartz
Incense: Jasmine

Malkuth: Kingdom, Shekinah (bottom)
The mundane world, femininity, materialization, stability, nature, humanity, family.
Chakra: Root
Color: Yellow, red, green, and black.
Element: Earth
Planet: Earth
Virtue: Discrimination, judgement
Vice: Inertia, avarice
Archangel: Sandalphon
Animal: Sphinx
Crystal: Citrine
Incense: Dittany

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