CHAPTER 10- A Dangerous Boy

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"Always remember this Vietnam you are the future leader of this country, your ODD HOBBIES is no exemption. Always remember you must be strong, feared and respect not just by your people but also other country's as well. PUT. THAT. IN. MIND."

"Understood, Father"

Father, always hate when I'm doing stuff what a leader don't do. He said it's taboo and weird, that it's not what a proper leader should do or act and I should stop already.

"If father found out about this, he will be furious to you. So you better throw those out before he found out. I don't want you to be in trouble, since father is strict" Brother said, he get close to me and hold both of my shoulder.

"Always remember this, YOU'RE THE NEXT HEIR TO BE A LEADER. You should always remember that, there is no room for you such ODD stuff. Understood?" I just simply nod, brother let go my shoulder and get out of my rooms. Then the maid get inside and took away, the what they called...


Is liking those stuff really that bad?

But, why?

Why it's so taboo?

It's because I was a man?

Or I was a future leader?

What did I do wrong?




I woke up from that dream, I stare up and I remember that fell asleep under the tree on the garden. Why, I'm here again? Oh, right I skip the first subject because the teacher was boring and so is his subject.

This is the reason why students sometimes skip class, since they teach them boring stuff. Who needs Calculus when all you need is simple math for your everyday life, or probably even Oral Communication like how hard could it be to talk to a person.

And, why do future country leader need to go in this school. I mean throughout years or decade country leaders manage to make there country advance and and successful, just look at America he's a strong country but why he needs to attend school.

"Nonsense, tsk.." I get up and look at my phone it's was already 9: 40 am and it was probably the third subject now and I was late already. It didn't bother me since I always do this crap, and the teachers didn't bother me. I decided too not attend and just wait until break time. I sat down on the bench on the garden and just scroll down through social media.

It's boring but this is better than, got to hear the nags of the subject teacher.


It was history class, I look around and all of the class is trying to not fall asleep. I look to Japan and he has drawn eyes on his eyelid to make him look awake but he was actually sleeping kinda funny though, half of the class are already asleep, some are trying not to sleep and some are listening and writing on there notebook or probably just doodling on there notebook.

I mean I can't blame them, history is boring sometimes when your not interested on it and it didn't help with the teacher monotone voice that is making us sleepy. I don't know but for me history interest me so much, probably because of me not remembering my past that much, that why history isn't boring to me.

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