Chapter 1 - Fresh Off The Bus

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So this is my first story, I'm not the best writer. This was an idea I've had for a while and wanted to share it

Ava's POV

As I stepped off the bus, I stretched and took in a deep breath.

The sun was at its peak and the lake shimmered in the sunlight.

We'd been on the bus for 5 hours and I suspected that the foul odour in the bus, despite his denial, had come from Mr. Badior the cool History teacher.

"Ava!" I heard a familiar voice scream behind me.

I turned around to see my Best Friend Nora, running frantically towards me.

"Where's the fire?" I called to her jokingly, I've been BFF's with Nora since kindergarten and she's never lost her hyperactive and crazy personality in the 11 years that I've known her.

She has wild red hair which had been pulled into a messy bun with several colourful ribbons, and big blue eyes paired with small pink lips and a sleek body wearing a paint smeared t-shirt and denim shorts.

"We're in the same cabin!" she almost shrieked with excitement as she reached me.

"Really?! Omg yay!" I yelled, matching Noras excitement as we jumped up and down holding hands as if we were still 5.

"Alright everyone!" Mr. Bull boomed "Pipe down and listen up! You've all been given your cabin partners and activities sign-up sheet has been posted on the notice board, if you have any problems go see Mrs. Pringle in the food hall!"

"We should go get our bags" I started to say but then quickly realised that Nora had already taken off and was knocking people over with no warning, I started to walk in her direction.

We were on school camp for the next two weeks in the blue mountains and I was looking forward to exploring the area and relaxing on the lakeside. I was also looking forward to exploring the woods, I'd do that later of course when everybody is asleep. But for now, I need to stop Nora before she falls in the lake!

Bethany here! Hope you enjoyed this, I'd love any feedback you guys might have.

See you guys next chapter! 😊

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