Chapter 9 - Relax

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Luke's POV

After we'd finished breakfast and Nora had left, Ava and I went to sign up for activities.

Ava thought it'd be good for her to stay with me just in case something happens, although now that I think about it she never actually told me what could go wrong.

After we'd signed up, we decided to explore the camp grounds.

There was a zip line winding all around the camp, a bunch of GIANT rock climbing walls and even Segway's!

We wandered around for the rest of the day chatting.

I asked Ava more questions about werewolves as we walked. The day flew by and before we knew it, it was almost time to meet Nora.

We made our way towards our cabins and went to change into our swimmers, I undressed, pulled on some black board shorts and went outside to wait for Ava.

She walked out wearing a black bikini, her strawberry blonde hair was pulled into a messy bun and a pair of sunglasses was sitting on her head.

My jaw instantly dropped, she looked gorgeous. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart began to pound.

"Close your mouth you perv" she laughed with a grin.

Suddenly Ava looked pale, she was looking at me in shock.

I frowned "What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Your eye's, they're glowing!" she whispered loudly, "It usually happens when your adrenaline is high".

I closed my eyes and shook my head, then opened them again.

"Are they still glowing?" I asked

She looked into my eyes, "Yeah, it's gone" she sighed "Just try to stay calm, if your heartrate gets too fast you might accidentally shift in front of everyone"

The full moon was in 3 days and I had to get this under control.

Ava's POV

After the whole 'eye thing', we made our way to the lake.

When we got there, we dumped our towels on the sand and dove straight into the water.

It was cold, but refreshing from the summer heat. We played around splashing water and pushing each other under the water.

After about half an hour, Nora arrived. She was wearing a blue bikini with a towel wrapped around her waist.

She put her towel on the sand and slowly waded into the water.

"Hey Nora" Luke said.

"Hi" Nora replied with a small wave. "How long have you guys been here?"

"Only a little while" I said with a smile.

We swam a bit more and then sun-bathed on some deck chairs, Luke had left to go wash up and hang out with Dylan.

"So what's going on with you and Luke?" I heard Nora ask

"Nothing, we're just hanging out. I don't have a crush on him, if that's what you mean" I replied calmly.

"So why are you spending time with him all of a sudden?" She questioned

Nora can be a bit possessive sometimes, but that's one of the reasons I love her. I could tell she was a little jealous, and she was right, I did just randomly start hanging out with Luke. I'd basically ditched Nora for a guy.

"Noe, I'm really sorry." I said as I sat up and looked her in the eyes. "I've basically ditched you and I gave you no proper explanation"

"Well I'll forgive you, but you still need to tell me why your suddenly besties with Luke Nova"

I sighed, I would love nothing more than to tell Nora the whole truth. But it would be bringing her into a dangerous world and I didn't want her to get hurt. So, as usual, I lied.

"Umm, I guess I might like him a little. But I want to get to know him and become friends first." I said with a fake smile.

Nora squealed excitedly, "Omg, this is amazing! You've never had a proper crush before!"

Its true, I've never really had a crush before. I might have briefly liked a few guys but it never lasted.

"Don't tell ANYONE. I'm not sure, it'll probably nothing." I said.

Small Time Skip

After what seemed like forever, Nora finally stopped asking questions and we headed back to the cabins. As we were walking back, I looked up at the sky. The sun was setting and the breeze blew through my hair. The full moon was in 3 days and I was getting more anxious by the minute.

So I know I haven't updated in like 3 weeks but I had MAJOR writers block. Also I know in chapter 2 it said the full moon was on the last day of camp, but I'm changing it so it's on the 5th day of camp (In 3 days). And it may seem like the story isn't going anywhere but I promise the next chapter will be more interesting.

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