Chapter 7 - Tell Me Everything

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Luke's POV

An alarm sounded through the cabin, I grumbled and reluctantly got up out of bed.

I thought back to last night, after Ava left I'd found Dylan fast asleep on his bed, snoring his head off.

I had decided to take a shower and while I was in there, I'd realised that there wasn't even a scratch on my leg from the snake bite, it was completely gone.

"Must be a werewolf thing" I'd thought to myself.

Now I was getting dressed into a white t-shirt and grey Nike track pants, I ran my hand through my short light brown hair.

As I walked out of the cabin door I noticed how strong the dew on the grass smelled and how loud the birds were singing. Snapping out of my daydream, I walked towards Ava's cabin just as she was stepping out the door.

"Morning" she said cheerfully.

"Morning" I replied.

We started to walk towards the lake.

"So I'm guessing you have a bunch of questions" Ava started "But before you ask them I'm just going to tell you the basics"

I nodded, we had reached the lake and we were walking along the dock.

We sat on the edge and Ava started talking.

"So every full moon we don't have to change into wolves but because your new at this, you'll probably lose control for a bit and we'll have to work on that"

"I'm an alpha, which means that I can turn humans into werewolves and my eyes are red, your a beta which means you can't make werewolves and your eyes are yellow"

"Are you getting this so far?" she asked making sure I understood.

I replied with a "yep" and she continued.

"All your senses are heightened, which means you'll be able to smell, hear and see better but your also a lot stronger. Your emotions will be amplified as well, so if you get angry then you could start to shift uncontrollably"

'That's all of it I think" Ava said "Do you have any questions?"

"Nope, that pretty much covered it all" I replied with a smile "So what now?"

"Well for now, you need to keep your emotions in check, we'll meet up tonight in the woods and I'll teach you how to shift" Ava answered.

I looked at my watch, it was almost 8 and I had to get back before Dylan woke up.

"Ok, lets start heading back" I suggested.

Ava nodded with agreement and we started walking back.

"Your taking this all really well" Ava said.

"Yeah, that's only because I freaked out and let it all out when you left last night" I replied.

Ava laughed as we reached the cabins and we parted ways.

Hey y'all! So I know this chapter was mainly just them talking but it was the only way I could give the info about werewolves. Anyway the next chapter is gonna be way better, I promise.

Don't forget to comment and vote, I really want to know what you think

Bethany out! 😄

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