Chapter 4 - The Bite

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Ava's POV

After leaving the food hall, I passed the cabins and made my way towards the woods.

The trees were tall and brooding, the leaves swayed gently in the wind and air smelled freshly of pine wood.

I looked around me making sure nobody was around, once I was certain the coast was clear I began to relax my body and a familiar tingling feeling ran up my spine.

I bent over and felt my body changing, my legs shortening, my teeth growing longer and sharper and my clothes melting into my skin and being replaced with a thick white fur coat.

I breathed in the woodland air and shivered with excitement.

I began walking along the river that was connected to the lake and admired the big bright moon shining among thousands of twinkling stars.

Suddenly "Rustle" I heard the crunch and rustle of leaves.

"Rustle, crunch, rustle" there it was again.

Curious, I followed the sound.

Peeking behind a tree, I saw that it was Luke, from my class and he was standing behind some bushes

But what is he doing in the woods?

Did he follow me?

What if he saw me shift?!

These thoughts swam around in my head slowly sinking me into deeper panic.

But then my questions were answered when I heard running water and a relieved sigh.

Feeling embarrassed, I turned to walk away.


I whipped around to see Luke fall and kick a snake away.

I barked and ran to him.

Before reaching him I quickly shifted back into human form, my clothes replaced my fur and my arms and legs grew to their proper length.

When I reached him, I leant beside him, he looked at me expressionless through half open eyes and then passed out.

I could hear his heartbeat slowing and his wound was gushing blood.

He was dying.

Then I did the only thing I could do.

Bite him.

My eyes glowed red and my teeth grew into sharp canines.

The next thing I knew, I was sinking my teeth into his arm.

I leant back and felt exhausted.

I'd never bitten anyone before, and when I became an Alpha and I hadn't intended to but now there were going to be consequences...

Hope you all liked this new chapter, please don't hesitate to comment or give any feedback I'd really like to know what you all think :D

Bethany out! 😉

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