Chapter 1

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My name is Lily Walker, and I am a clone. I live with my brother James in Starting City. He is the Mayor. Right noww things are good. James has found a temporary solution to my DNA degeneration, but its a solution all the same. I got stronger every day... that also means there are more threats to the city every day. I'm a hero, or atleast thats what they call me, and my name is Nitrous.

I deal with petty street thugs on a regular basis. It's not that hard, and they usually give up when they see me. The criminals i'm worried about are the worst of the worst. The first is Resister, aka Raleigh Buchanan, and he has a set of gifts that rival that of my own. He is a walking candel stick, and he can control fire. I have come to find that he cant be burt my any fire at any tempurature. He is an inferno and on my good days it still takes time to run him out of the city.

The next villian I worry about has come to call himself The Chemist. His real name is Adam Royce. He worked with Jake Walker, the man who created me, and voulenteered for an experiment. This experiment had to do with the periodic table and what it could do to the human body. My creator, jake, had finished placing a can of the compound Ag (silver) into its position. I guess it didnt line up right, or something, because once my creator returned for the final compound Au (gold), well there was a big explosion. It blew a hole in the side of Walker Labs from the 8-12 four. My creator spent a little over a year in a full body cast and in a coma. Adam was never seen from again till a couple months ago. My brother managed to turn the final compound that was never used and turned it against him. Gold is his weakness.

the last villian i worry about is named Chaos. It's name basically describes it's self. Chaos is a project that was scrapped by the great Tony Stark. My creator wanted to build upon what Mr. Stark had already done. It was a big mistake. Chaos was originally name Iris. My creator's wife had given it the name because of the metals purpulish tint. Jake wasn't going to fight it so he agreed. Everything went wrong when Iris grew a concious and became self aware. iris turned to Chaos, and fortunantly my creator managed to deactiveate it. it stayed deactive for several years. it only turned on recently when Walker labs was burt to the ground with my creator inside it.

All thats left of the Walker family is my brother. My creator built me after a car crash that took both his wife, and daughter. If i were the real Lily Walker, then I would be 28. I do age like everyone else though. Lets get onto the story now that you know the general gist of my back ground.

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