Chapter 7

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when the shaking stopped i headed to the skies. I needed to fins the center of this quake. when i found The chemist i started to freak out. the main reason was about my brother. The chemist was put in lock up in Walker Labs. it got me thinking about my brother, so I radioed into the tower.

"Mr. Stark, i've found the problem."

he said, "ok, where are you? I'll send the others to meet you there."

"NO! dont send anyone," i got closer to the chemist, "i need you to check on my brother james. the chemist escaped and now is here. we need that containment field."

"got it. I'll have widow and hawkeye meet you at your location. Thor and the hulk are working on structural damage support. theres a building going down on main and tgere are still people trapped inside."

"let me help."

"NO! will have bigger problems if we dont stop the chemist. i'll check in your brother. Now go."


i landed in front of the chemist, "how did you get out?"

he said, "you see this?" he pointed to his neck, "this is a device that your btother put on me. it is wrapped aroung my spine. i do something wrong then it blows me sky high."

"why are you here?"

"to help. your brother woke me up yesterday after a mysterous system appeared on his computer. he thinks its connected to the quake so he sent me here. Nitrous, somethinf is comming, and there is nothing we can do to stop it."

"what do you mean nothing? whats comming?"

he walked up to me, "Ultron," there was a moment of silence then he continued, "nitrous, let me help. i cant do anything, but help... so please, let me help you. If thing is as dangerous as Dr. Walker predicts, well lets just say i'd rather be six feet under." i nodded my head then radioed back to stark, "recall widow and hawk eye. everything is under control."

"good, will do. thor and the hulk still need assistance."

i said, "on it."


the chemist and i landed next to the captain of the fire department. "sir," he looked at me, "iron man sent us to help. What can we do?" he pointed to the top floor, "there are still 5 people trapped up there. we can't get to them with the fires still going." i nodded my head then looked at the chemist, "put out this fire before it spreads. i'll get to them." he nodded his head as i flew up to the sky and into the building. i managed to get out four people before the buildings structural integraty started to worsen. As i flew up for the last time i could see that the hulk, and thor, needed help. the chemist was still working on putting out the fure. Everything was up to me.


"where are you!"

i heard crying coming from a closet near the back of the building. i made my way over there and found the fifth person in the building, "sweety, i need you to come with me." the child started to back up, "my name is Nitrous, but my friends call me smiles." the child stopped crying and slowly made her way out to me, "smiles, i'm scared." I picked her up and started to hurry out of the building. I knew the building was coming down, so i wrapped my arms around the little girl and flew out of one of the windows. When I got to the ground I saw the chemist was done putting out the fire. The chemist got the hulk and thor out of there while I took the child to the paramedics. I started to tune everything out as i placed the child on the gurnry. i had to make sure, no i needed to make sure that the child was alright. The childs parents made there way over to us while the paramedics were checking on the little girl.

"thank you," said the little girls mom.

"how can we ever repay you," asked the little girls father.

i smiled at them, "you can repay me by making sure she never feels alone. A strong girl like her deserves a happy and strong family."

the little girls father placed his hand out, "what do we call you?" i shook the fathers hand, "Nitrous. Now, it looks like they're ready to transport so i'll let you two go." before the paramedic closed the door the little girl said, "bye smiles." i smiled then waved to the little girl as the ambulance left. when i turned around i started to tune back into the rest of the world. thats when i heard people clapping. Everyone in the area was clapping. The people rescued, the people who came to watch the incedent, the news reporters, the policeman, and even the fireman were clapping. It was a strange feeling. No one in Starting City had ever given me a round of applause. I mean, there were thanks yous, but not clapping.

I smiled as the chemist walked over to me with thor and the hulk in tow. when they got to me the chemist said, "Why are they clapping?" the hulk said, "because you saved those people." thor added, "and that small child." the chemist smiled as i said, "they clap because we did the right thing, they clap because we put those peoples safety above our own, they clap," i placed my hand on the chemists should, "because this is what heroes do," i smiled, "it feels nice, doesnt it?" he nodded his head. i then turned to the hulk and thor, "come on we need to head back to the tower." thor nodded his head then we took off." the chemis and i pocked up the hulk and followed.

the tower
20 minutes later

My brother, and a man in black, were waiting for me and the chemist once we returned to the tower. my brother walked over and gave me a hug then said, "Lily, i want you to meet Director Coulson of SHIELD." i placed my hand out, "sir."

"did he inform you that i was here?"

i shook my head, "no. Sir, what cause the quake? not to many things, not to many people, can do damage like that and have the results look like they do now. I know this because those two people are the two of us who stand before you. I make one," i placed my hand on the chemists shoulder, "and he makes the other. I looked back to the director, "sir, do you know what this is?" The director didn't say anything. Instead he just motioned for the three of us to follow him. So, my brother, the chemist and I followed.


i said, "take us here to kill us?". I'll reconsider once this is over."

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the director shook his head, "no, i brought you here to make you, and your brother, SHIELD agents."

"what about me?" asked the chemist.

Director Coulson turned to the chemist, "i do not want you for the same reason Dr. Walker placed that device on you. I will reconsider once this is over." the chemist nodded his head, "thats all i ask sir. thank you," he smiled again, "if i can request one thing."

director coulson said, "shoot."

"my name is Adam Royce. I'd really like it if you called me AR. If I can get a second chance after this, well I'd like it if I wasn't called the chemist. I don't even know how that name stuck." James and I started to laugh. the director said, "care to enlighten us?" I nodded my head, "we started calling you the chemist because of your powers."

James spoke up, "no, you wanted to call him the chemist. i thought it would be funny if we called you gold." adam gave me a small smile, "ok, now that that is over. can you start calling me by my real name," he looked at the director, "i used to be an award winning scientist before their father turned me into this thing."

i said, "and i wouldnt be here without that man." adam looked at me, "sorry." the director spoke, "lily, james," he handed us badges, "there are people out in the world who want this orginization shut down. Hydra is still out there and they are far more dangerous now than they were in WW2. i want you two to work for SHIELD. if war is comming then we could use good men and women like you."

simotainously james and i said, "thank you sir." the director smiled, "go explore, Mr. Royce you must stay with one of them at all times." adam nodded his head then the three of us left, and left the director in his office.

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