Chapter 2: Starting City

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i walked into my brothers office and found him on the phone, so i went and sat on the couch to wait. About 15 minutes had gone by before he got off the phone then walked over to say hello.

"so Lily, did you get the letter?" he sat down next to me as i handded him the letter the continued to say, "dear Ms. Walker I am very impressed with your letter and way you have conducted yourself through the past few weeks. I would like to fly you out to Manhattan on my private jet to meet me, and get a tour of my company if it is alright with your guardian," he looked at me, "you haven't told him about your gifts, have you?" i shook my head, "no," i stood up as he handed me back the letter then said, "so, can i go?"

he stood up the nodded his head, "yes," i stated to jump with glee then he continued, "on one condition, you call me every morning and every night." i nodded my head then said, "i promise." he smiled, "so when does the great Tony Stark get here?" i looked through the letter then said, "tomorrow," my eyes got wide as I walked to the door, "i have to go pack. What should I wear." i was about to leave when james said, "bring a few of your business suits, a dress or two for some party he might sweep you away to, and a few casual outfits. I'm sure he'll take you around and show you the sights." i nodded my head then left.

---The Next Day ---
my brother and I sat on the tailgate of his truck and watched as the Stark Enterprises jet came to a stop. A few minutes later A red head and none other than the famous Tony Stark walked out and headed over to the two of us.

"Mr. Stark," my brother placed out his hand and shook Tony's.

"Hello Dr. Walker, I want to say it is a pleasure to be here. I still can't believe you and the others built this place."

My brother said, "yes. I would also like to say thank you to you for giving my sister this opportunity." Mr. Stark said, "to be honest she's the only one who sent in a letter that caught my eye. She also has conducted herself so well these past few days. I am very impressed," he turned to me, "say good bye to your brother. I'll meet you on the plane." he smiled at me then boarded the plane with the red head.

i looked at my brother then got my things from the truck, "it will only be for a couple days. I'll call you every morning and every night as promised. You can always tap in if you need to." he smiled, "i trust you. Also, dont show off with your powers. keep them a secret. Only use them if you need to." i nodded my head then hugged my brother, "by james." he smiled then i left to get on the plane.

The Avengers: NitrousNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ