Nick Fury

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A/N okay PichuIzzy won last chappie with her comment of "jdncjdke"

Watching myself on TV was an okay passtime.

I know, I know. Why would one of the world's greatest spies by on TV? Well, ever see that Star Wars movie called the Phantom Menace? I'm positive you know what I'm talking about.

Anyways, there I was, watching myself play some Star Wars Jedi and reminiscing on the undercover mission that had given me the role. The cast did eventually find out that I was a secret agent, but they thought it was an intriguing occupation and agreed to keep it a secret, referring to me only by the name I had been going under at the time: Samuel Jackson.

The mission itself had been one of my more interesting ones for sure and I always found it entertaining to relive the memories.

Alas, as all good things must come to an end, I was interrupted by a phone call.

"It's the end of the world!" screamed a very recognizable voice on the other end of the line.

"Clinton Francis Barton, you better not be joking," I growled. The last time he said something of the sort, I had almost sent the entire SHEILD fleet to his location to battle whatever he had encountered only to find that his issue had to do with what he was going to get Laura for their anniversary.

"He's out of Nutter Bars," Natasha sighed, her voice coming through the speaker in a tone just as exasperated as I felt.

"Nutty Buddies!" Clint corrected frantically with no concern for his wellbeing whatsoever.

"Are you high?" I blurted incredulously. I could practically sense the chuckle I knew Natasha was biting back.

"If anything I'm low. I'm low on sugar!" Clint complained. "How am I supposed to bedazzle Stark's iron butt if I'm not working on a sugar high. It's the only way I'll get the rush job done before he finds me!"

"You could not bedazzle his suit today," Natasha suggested.

"Not an option. The bedazzler is all ready to go," Clint countered. I rubbed my temples. One of my best spies was a child. Clint was a child. What had the Avengers come to?

"Just go to the store," I ordered before hanging up on them. Mission solved.

My phone buzzed again. "Director Fury? It's Agent M," a female voice greeted. Agent M's real name was Molly, she had just returned from her first field mission and I had been watching the Star Wars movie while awaiting her report.

"What's your status? Any injuries?"

"I sprained my right wrist, but medical already took care of it. I got the information you asked for, but my cover was blown. Sorry about that, one of their Russian girls figured me out."

"You completed your mission with minimal injury, that's all I can ask for, Agent M. Good work."

"Th-thank you, Director Fury." The tentative pride radiating from her voice was easily palpable.

"Now, I expect a full report on my desk tomorrow morning, we have some things to discuss later: improvements and such."

"Yes, of course!" I hung up. Hey, I had a reputation to keep, I couldn't come off all roses and sunshine by taking the time for pleasantries. No one would talk when the air that precedes you is a nice one.

Feeling a warm presence at my side, I glanced down and the ghost of a smile covered my face. Goose, a friend's cat, was snuggling into my side. I let him sit atop my lap as I continued the movie, letting myself relax into his soft purring. I sighed in content, mentally reminding myself that I needed to check in with Danvers sometime in the near future.

I closed my single eye and reopened it, blinking essentially. But, I had fully intended to rest it, not to reintroduce it to the harsh light the office provided so quickly. I frowned, mentally chiding myself for thinking about the war that started my entire career. My mind didn't need to go there, it wasn't pleasant.

Sighing once again, I stood, startling Goose into jumping off my lap. I found myself pacing in front of my desk, a habit I couldn't seem to shake. There was a problem that needed dealing with. As difficult as it was, SHIELD was still a fairly new organization, despite having done so much for the world, albeit secretly. While we flew mostly under-the-radar, we weren't exactly unheard of. Large organizations were aware of our existence, like Stark Industries. Which made sense, considering Stark was a well-known as a benefactor to the Avengers and, to those who knew we were there, SHIELD.

In the first few years, when SHIELD was first starting out, I reached out to several science-driven organizations in an effort to revive the sort of experiments done for Steve Rogers. Ideally, they would be proven as accurate and working before ever reaching the blood of a human being, but not every company subjected to the information adhered to that.

Like the file of a certain company that had been sitting on my desk, distracting my thoughts. It was a shame SHIELD was still trying to clean that mess up. I doubted that the particular industry I had researched would quit their illegal research without a fight. What a pain. I had already lost two agents to their villainous ploy, I dreaded to loose more. At that point, I only had one working them from the inside and I was mulling over who else to call in.

I got a notification from my phone claiming that they had updated their website. I skimmed through the changes and smirked. I knew the perfect people for the job. I filled in their applications under fake names and painted them perfect records in a matter of minutes, a skill that came with being the director of an agency of SHIELD's calibre.

I paused when it struck me that it would be their first time undercover before shrugging the matter off. They could handle it.

A/N Okay, I know updates are getting sparse, but there's good reason for it: the plot is coming up. Like, big things are going to go down by the end of the fictional week and I'm trying to be prepared and have something that resembles a mental plan by the time I get there so that it isn't too trashy. Thanks for sticking with it, y'all!

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