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Sensibility / Sen•si•bil•i•ty
the ability to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences.

January 19th // England - 3:14am

George sat on the window sill as he stared at each raindrop fall down the glass, oblivious to the noisy streets outside. His headphones were resting in his ears as he heard the beginning of a familiar song start to play. The second he realized what song it was, he picked up his phone and opened his messages. He tapped on the most recent name which he had pinned, and started typing.



hey, i know it's around the time you head to bed,
but are you awake? i want to talk about something..


He gazed at his screen for a few seconds before slowly losing hope that his best friend was awake. He sat his phone back down, and looked back to the window. This time, his eyes were lost in the darkness instead of fixated on the raindrops. Thoughts inevitably filled his head. Most of them were normal ones such as what video ideas he had, when he was finally going to edit the vlog, [cough cough if you are reading this George.. cough cough] but there was one that caught him off guard.

I wonder if Dream is thinks of me when he hears this song, too. What if he thinks about me as often as I do him. What if he doesn't?

Before he could think too much of it, he was cut off by a notification on his phone. He barely glanced at it before grabbing his phone and opening it faster than usual.


Tea Kettle 💚

yesss george, i am awake. it's only like 10pm.
what did ya need?


George sat up straighter gripping his phone tight. His entire body was shaking slightly, as he began to plan out his reply. He started to type a sentence, but quickly deleted it and typed something completely different. There was something he wanted to say, he just didn't know how or if he had the strength to.



i honestly forget what it was lmaoo
i did have an idea though-
would you want to come to brighton sometime and meet up?
i know we have it planned with wilbur in a couple months,
but i want to meet you sooner, and i have no plans in the next month.
just an idea, i get it if you want to wait


A part of George felt relief, and another part anxiety. He was worried about what Dream's response would be. What if he didn't want to meet George alone, without a friend like Will. Within only a few seconds, his phone vibrated again.


Tea Kettle 💚

of course!! i'd love to :)
when were you thinking? there's an open flight for the 21st?


It was weird how quickly dream found a flight when he had only been offered the idea a few seconds before. It was almost as if he had been planning to come already. As if he already had the tab open for that specific flight.



that's amazing to hear. i am so excited
the only bad part is that i have to clean my house within three days

Tea Kettle 💚

i don't care if your house is messy george, seriously
just give me a couch to sleep on and some skittles and ill survive


George chuckled at the message he had read. He was already nervous even though Dream wasn't coming for another couple of days. It wasn't a scared type of feeling, it were as if he was about to meet his idol for the first time. They finished their night with a conversation about almost everything there could possibly be to talk about. George glanced at his phone and saw it had been three hours of talking. It had only felt like three minutes, and the song he first listened to had just ended.


Tea Kettle 💚

i am going to let you go, it is almost six there and you haven't slept
get a glass of water, make sure your heater is on unlike last time when you were freezing
then go to bed, and make sure you set an alarm so we can film a couple videos tomorrow
so i can have prerecorded videos to release during my trip

goodnight georgiee :)


such a party pooper
goodnight dreaammm


George was so happy with how much him and Dream had talked. The rain was no longer pouring outside, and a smile naturally curved on his face. They hadn't talked that long in what seemed like months. George made his way to his bedroom, and stood beside his nightstand. There was something different about this night. Something was new. just not obvious enough to notice exactly what it was.

He was hoping to relive the countless smiles not only he had made, but hoping to hear the beautiful soft laughter Dream had let out all over again. His hand lifted his phone, as his thumb grazed the screen. After about a minute of searching through his main playlist, the song that had reminded him of Dream to begin with popped up. His eyes met with the title, and he slowly smiled as he tapped it.

He sat his phone down on the table to the left of his bed, and laid himself down to stare at the ceiling. Each lyric stayed in his mind as he made each line connect with a memory he had with Dream. He wanted to feel like this everyday. He wanted to feel this happiness, peace, kindness, glee, prosperity, contentment..


He looked at his phone one last time to see the song before turning his phone off, closing his eyes, and drifting back to sleep. It was a song by an artist he only recently discovered, but already loved more than most others.

i wanna be your girlfriend - girl in red

Total Word Count: 995

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