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Curiosity / Cu•ri•os•i•ty
a strong desire to know or learn something

August 10th // Florida - 8:31am

Clay lifted his hand gently and knocked the door twice. No answer. He knocked twice once again. No answer. One last time, he thought. He knocked once more, and there was still no answer. He started to fill with a slight panic. He opened the door, slightly afraid of what would be revealed once he could see inside.

He opened it softly, and saw George laying on the bed. He was facing the other direction, barely moving. It seemed as if he wasn't breathing. Clay took one step closer, and that was when George's body suddenly gained energy as he turned around to face Clay.

"Oh- g-good morning."

Clay was relieved. He had no reason to believe there was something wrong, a part of him just knew he could never let anything bad happen to George.

"Hey George. I made you some pancakes."

He sat the plate on the table next to the bed.

"Thank you."

"Always. I'll be in my room getting ready if you need anything."

"Sounds good."

Something was off, and they both could see it. It wasn't anything obvious. They both spoke the same and acted the same, but the atmosphere was different from what had taken place the night before.

George started to pick slightly at the food on the plate. Simultaneously, his mind was thinking of everything that could possibly happen today. Would they talk about it? Would something bad occur because it happened? Would Clay view him differently?

He tried to think of an explanation for Clay just in case he asked. I'm not gay, I was just being nice. I don't love you, I was just too scared to stop you. I didn't take advantage of you, I just couldn't help myself. I'm not gay. I don't love you.

As he thought of each one he knew it sounded stupid and all were lies. Although he didn't know what he was, he knew how he felt. He loved Clay. After all this time, he loved Clay, even if he hurt him and they drifted.

The pancakes were starting to get cold from how slow he was eating, so he gave up and sat them back on the table. He wasn't hungry anyways; he was never a breakfast person. He sat up, and left the room. He headed towards the bathroom but stopped a few steps before. Clay's door was cracked, and he could slightly see inside.

He paused, curious as to what Clay was doing. He couldn't see anything until Clay walked into his field of view, shirtless. Clay wasn't the most ripped guy, but god was he beautiful to admire. Clay's eyes eventually found George, but George moved away so quickly that he couldn't make eye contact.

George headed straight for the bathroom with a light red covering his cheeks. He was confused about everything. The only thing he wanted to be sure about, was that Clay didn't mean it. He had only kissed him because he was coping, right?

He couldn't think about that now. He started to brush his teeth when a familiar face glanced in.

"Hey, I was thinking we could go do some stuff today. Are you down for roller skating and then the movies today?"

"Sure, what movie?"

"Well, it's a drive-in so they mainly play old classic movies.."

"What movie, Clay?"

"Jurassic Park."

"At least it wasn't The Notebook. Yeah, I'm down. I just need to get dressed."

"I'll be downstairs. WoW I hAvE a DaTe WiTh GeOrGe."

"Shut up and get out you idiot."

They both laughed, and Clay went downstairs. Date. The word felt right to George, even though he knew it was obvious Clay was joking. He was, right? Yes. Of course he was. Or was he?

Clay stood by the front door playing with the keys in his hand. He was staring into space, flipping each key through each finger. That was until something caught his eye. He looked up, and saw George coming down the stairs. He wasn't as miserable or rugged looking like he was in the airport. His clothes fit him well, his eyes had a spark in them, and he was smiling as he made eye contact with Clay. The golden sunlight from the windows hitting his brown eyes perfectly, making them look like rich honey. It- he was beautiful.

"You ready to go?"

"I- Yeah, I'm ready."

The two headed out the front door, and got into the car. The car roared to life, and they were on their way. The two seemed miles apart in thought, but were thinking the exact same things. They were both curious about what was in their future, how the other felt, and if they would ever find out. Clay needed to know. The curiosity ate him alive during that car ride. He had to break the silence, and he had to relieve his mind of his wondering thoughts.



"Can we talk about last night?"

Total Word Count: 819

A/N: I can not thank you guys enough for reading this story. To think it has 700 views is mind blowing to me. I will forever be grateful for each of you. More chapters will be out this weekend; I am sorry this one wasn't as long, I just thought it would be a fun place to cut off the chapter.

Also- I stepped on a snake today and had a mini heart attack, and my stepmom's van started acting up so I have to drive my car tomorrow which is scary. I don't want to wreck it- I just got it.

Anyways, I can't wait for you to see what happens on their "date". >:D

-Jen <3

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