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Desolation / Des•o•la•tion
a state of complete emptiness or destruction

August 12th // Florida - 6:19am

Clay woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. George was in his arms and they were on George's bed. He was careful with his movement, trying not to wake the peaceful soul. He looked at who was calling, and then answered with a soft tone, trying not to be loud.


"Hey Dream!"

"What do you want Sapnap?"

"I was wondering if you would want to film later today while George is there? Where is he? Can I say hi?"

"He's asleep right now.. and I don't know if he'd be up for filming. I'll ask later."

"Is everything okay?"

"Just- something happened, and it was completely my fault. He fell asleep next to me crying. I feel so bad Nick. What do I do?"

"Clay- you know George loves you. He would do anything for you. Just talk to him. You'll work it out, you always do."

"Thank you, I am going to go get a shower, I'll call you later."

"Okay- let me know how it goes."

Clay hung up the phone and started to get up so he could make some food, but a warm pair of arms stopped him. George pulled him back towards him by the waist, already missing the warmth Clay provided.

"George- I have to go shower."


"Five minutes. That's it."

Clay rested on the bed once more, with George right by his side. He sat there smiling at the adorable human beside him, forgetting about the light chaos he caused him the night before.

Once again, Clay's phone rang. He answered it, to find the voice of his mother on the other line.


"Clay- I- Something is wrong. No one else answered, and I didn't want to bother you, but something isn't right. I can feel it."

"Is everything okay? Do you need something?"

"I think something might be seriously wro-"

The phone hung up. He couldn't hear his mother anymore.

"Mom- Mom!?"

No answer. The call ended, and his mom was cut off.


"George- I'm so sorry I woke you again. I didn't mean to."

"Everything okay?"

"No- I don't think so."

-5 hours later

Clay and George sat on a bench in front of the building, too scared to go in. Clay had his head rested against George's shoulder, staring into a blank nothing.



"Do you remember why I left London before?"

"You just said something came up, right?"


Clay took a deep breath, and let out his next words with a shaky voice.

"I had to leave because my mom called me the day before. She has stage four lymphoma. Cancer. It's gotten worse over the past few months, and is part of the reason I drifted from everyone, and you. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you- I just didn't want my problems to become yours, and then this morning when she called-"

"Shh, it's okay."

George was holding Clay in a hug, partially shocked. He was at a loss for words. They sat there, not knowing what to say. George forgot about the night before completely. Sapnap was right, George would do absolutely anything for that boy, no matter what.

"Are you ready to go in?"

"I think so."

They stood up, and went through the hospital entrance. They got the room number from the receptionist, and went to the elevators. Once inside, Clay was itching his arm very hard with his right hand. George noticed, and grabbed Clay's hand to stop him from hurting himself. Clay looked up at George, and they interlocked their fingers.

After the elevator door opened, they let their hands fall apart, and they walked down a very long hallway. They stopped at a doorway, and Clay starting breathing heavily.

"I can't do this George. I can't go in there."

"Look at me."

George put his hand on Clay's cheek and stared deep into his emerald eyes.

"You can do this. I know you can. I'll be by your side every moment. It'll be okay."

Clay took a deep breath and melted into George's touch. He nodded, and the two slowly walked into the room. A nurse was beside the bed, and started to walk out.

"She has been in a drug induced coma for an hour or so. It's not looking the best, but I wouldn't lose hope. She might be able to hear you, but we don't know for sure."

"Thank you-"

Clay barely managed to let out those two simple words. They continued to walk in, and Clay's eyes started to fill with tears. He sat down in a chair next to her bed, and held her hand.

"Mom- I don't know if you can hear me- but I- I love you so much. You're going to be okay, I promise. I'll be right here. George is here too, the guy I told you about. I took your advice, by the way. I told him how I felt. We haven't talked about what it all means, but I thought you should know. You would've loved him. George is beautiful, and he's handsome, and he's smart, and he's kind, and he's wonderful. He is one of the most wonderful people you could ever have as a friend. I love him, and I wish you could meet him. So you have to make it through this, okay?"

Clay's face was calm, but tears were rolling down his cheeks and dripping off of his jawline. He stared at his mom, and then looked at George. George put his hand on Clay's, and gave him a saddened smile. Clay fell into George's arms, finally breaking every wall he had put up to hide his emotions.

George met Clay's head with a small kiss, and ran his fingers through his friend's hair. It was bittersweet. That moment was devastating, yet comforting and precious to both of them.

They stayed at the hospital all day, until the news came.

Clay's mom died that evening at 6:56.

Total Word Count: 1018

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