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"Dude this receipt is longer than my-"
"Shut the fuck up Jimin, it's for chemistry not for you to eat, dumbass" Jungkook cuts off Jimins sentence while mumbling the last part of his.

They both are walking towards the school, Jungkook is holding two bags full with different foods for their chemistry presentation, while Jimin keeps begging Jungkook to spare him a piece of sour patches.

"Dude you are gonna get sick of eating sour shit at 8 am" Jungkook looks at Jimin.
His black straight hair covers Jimins panda like eyes and his plump lips are the main attraction on his entire face.

Jimin was unbelievable handsome, and it shows.

"aweee please!! i'll even suck your dick-" Jungkook looks at Jimin.

"No homo but your hot dude"
Jungkook scoffs as the two of them walked through the gates of their school.
Even though they were on time, Jungkook was rushing.
He was that good looking nerd boy.

They both stop at the campus next to the football field as they look around searching for someone.
"Where are the others?" Jungkook asks still looking around.

"Idk why you ask me? do I look like jesus to you?" Jungkook rolls his eyes as he adjusts the holder of the back in his palm. Jimin notices that the bag looks heavy.
who would spend that much money on a project?.

"Why even are you doing this shit on your own? you should have chose a partner"
Jimin looks down to the two heavy bags in Jungkooks hands.

"Also you need a partner to eat that shit up- oh look I think I'm the perfect guy for that" Jimin smiles his hands on his hips nodding.
Jungkook punches Jimins arm with the heavier bag only to make it break and have all the sour candy fall onto the ground.

"Fuck-" Jungkook let's out as he looked down to the mess they created and then back up to meet Jimins face.
"don't be mad Jungkook" Jimin teased but shits right up as he was met with the youngers gaze.

"You'll pay for the next dinner"


"Y'know with who Mr. Kang would
have made me partner up with if I insisted in getting one?" Jungkook kneels down and so does Jimin.
They both pick up the candys, filling the other bag with it. Jimin stares at one of the chips he held in his hand hungrily but Jungkook snatched it away from his hands before Jimin could do shit.

"With who?" Jimin let out while picking the pack of sour patches next.

Out of nowhere came a third hand, long slender fingers, vines popping out and two red bracelets resting loosely around his wrist holding the third pack of sour patches in his hand. stealing.

They both looked up to meet

Kim Taehyung

"This is mine now losers"
He held up Jungkooks candy, opening it up and chewing on a strawberry sour patch.

Jungkooks eye twitched at how angry he was right now. He fucking prepared for this shit three weeks, only to have his projekt get canceled by his bully.

He nudged Jimins side making the elder look at him.


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