|| Ethan Payne - Birthday||

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Y/n's Pov:

Today is Ethans birthday, I woke up at 8 to make him his favourite breakfast which is obviously an English breakfast I cooked everything and made sure it was perfect. I then went into the living room and set all his presents up and his cards and then texted everyone on the group chat.

                                                                               E's Birthday 💖💕

Y/n: Hey guys, I just made the birthday boy his breakfast and I'll wake him up in like 5 minutes so can you all try get round here at like 11am xx

Simone 👸🏼: Yeah me, JJ and Talia where going to get there anyway at that time we just have to pick the cake up x

Frey ❤️💍: K, Josh isn't awake yet because ya know he's a lazy boy but I'll get us there by 11 xx

TB 🙃: Can I come over at like 10 I have something to ask you two x

Haz😘: Mate is this what I think it is and yeah I can get there by 11 I need to pick Kate up at the airport soon anyway.

TB🙃: Yeah it is Harry.

Y/n: Ok thank you all and yeah of course you can come over earlier Tobs. xx

Y/n's Pov:

I went upstairs with the breakfast and woke up Ethan

Y/n: Happy Birthday baby!!

Ethan: Thank you Y/n/n

Y/n: I made an English breakfast for you also Tobi is coming round in a hour so it's best if you get up and get ready after.

Ethan: Ok aren't you going to have anything?

Y/n: No I'm not that hungry

 After Ethan and I got ready for the day we heard a knock on the door.

No ones Pov:

Y/n: Door's open!

Tobi: Hey guys, Happy Birthday E

Ethan: Thanks Tobi how are you 

Tobi: Yeah I'm good I actually have something to ask you and Y/n

Y/n: what's up

Tobi: You don't have to say yes to this but um I kinda got kicked out of my apartment and I know you guys have some spare rooms so I was wondering if I could stay here for a bit until I find another apartment?

Ethan: Of course you can!

Y/n: Tobs you know you can stay here for as long as you want you can even move in permanently if you want its actually boring sometimes with just me and E.

Tobi: Thank you it really means a Lot and oh Ethans here's your present.

He gave Ethan some new shoes and a picture phrase which had all the Sidemen and their Girlfriends on it.

Ethan: These are amazing thanks man.

they relax for 30 minutes until another knock is on the door.

Y/n: Ethan Go get the door.

Ethan: But you always shout doors open

Y/n: I can't be bothered.

He opens the door and everyone shouts SURPRISE! They all give him their presents which was:

Some Clothes - Simon and Talia

Some Cologne - JJ

Some Alcohol - Freya and Josh

A new phone case and shoes - Harry and Kate

Some new glasses and hats - Vik 

Everyone had an amazing time and partied the whole night.

|| Hey guys sorry this story was a bit bland! Also I didn't read through it so sorry for any mistakes. School has started again and of course I have a cold and i'm also dealing with some family problems so I haven't been able to write as much but I have a couple of ideas coming up so yeah byeee!!||

|| 552 Words||

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