Chapter 1 - Surprising news

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Chapter 1 – Surprising news

Ashley Summer had to blink her eyes a few times before she could process the words on the paper that was in her hand. Her body told her that she had overdone it, but still, Ashley refused to rest.


With a scowl, Ashley reluctantly looked up from the documents. "What are you doing here?"

"Rina told me you had not rested since yesterday," Ashton Summer, her brother, said grimly. He was still wearing his chef uniform, and Ashley could see dark circles under his eyes that were similar to Ashley's.

"I don't have time to rest, Ashton." With that, Ashley looked away from him and focused on her paperwork.

Ashley heard a sound - almost like a growl - that she was very familiar with. But she was too exhausted that her movement was a second too slow to stop Ashton from snatching those papers away from her hand.

"Give me back those papers!" Ashley slammed a hand on her desk.

"I'll give it back to you tomorrow morning. Be a good girl and go home to sleep," Ashton said sternly.

"I can't!" Ashley said in frustration and realized in horror that she was going to cry. They do not have enough staff to help out with the paperwork that had piled up for months.

Ashton sighed wearily and tossed the papers onto the table. He went over to where Ashley sat and hurled her out of the chair.

"You need to rest. Trying not to worry by working too much is not a good idea. Mom and dad would be worried if you collapse from working too much."

"So you're manhandling me?" Ashley asked tiredly.

"If that would get you back home, then yeah, I will." He pulled her out of her office and she let him. Ashley was too tired to do anything now. Her head feels heavy and she could hardly muster any energy to move. There was not even enough energy for her to think.

"Get in." Ashley obediently climbed into the passenger seat and stared blankly out of the window, focusing nothing in particular. Ashton drove his car to her house in just five minutes, since there were hardly any cars on the road at two in the morning.

Ashton practically dragged his twin out of the car and into the house. Ashley shrugged him off and collapse on her bed, not even bothering to change into her sleepwear. Her brother helped her remove her shoes and pulled the pins out of her hair, freeing her hair from the tight bun.

"Thanks," Ashley mumbled tiredly.

"Sleep," Ashton said firmly, and she had to smile. Ashton had always looked after Ashley even though she was older than him by two minutes.

"Can you sleep next to me?" Ashley mumbled with half of her face pressing onto the pillow.

"You are so troublesome." Ashton looks annoyed, but Ashley knew that deep down he would do anything for her. She scooted over, and he climbed into the bed next to me.

Ashley was glad that she did not have to be alone in her queen-size bed. When she was hunting for a new bed, she was not clear why she would buy a queen-size bed instead of a single bed. But she knows it was largely contributed to the fact of her having used to someone sharing her bed. She missed the feeling of having someone sleeping beside her.

"Stop thinking and sleep. I can hear your brain working."

Ashley let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, right." After a while, she turned to face Ashton. "How's dad?" She could not sleep when there were too many things to worry about.

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