Chapter four

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Saiges POV

"Take a fifteen minute break before we film the last scene for today." Kenny tells all of us.

It was currently 12:30 pm. We were all pretty exhausted as we sat down in our seats.

"How much you wanna bet I can drive to the local gas station and get candy and still make it back here in fifteen minutes?" Charlie asks me with a grin.

"I don't know." I mumble as I scroll through my phone.

"I bet you ten bucks!" Owen says sarcastically.

"Alright lets go." Charlie says as he grabs his car keys.

"Are you serious?" I ask him in disbelief.

"Just get in the car." Charlie says as he laughs.

I sigh as I follow behind him.

"Owen! Jermey! Madi! Come get candy with us!" Charlie yelled at them.

They all quickly got up and sprinted to Charlie's car. We all piled in and I sat in the front seat next to Charlie.

"Everyone got their seat belts on?" Charlie asks everyone in a high pitched voice.

"Just drive." I mumble as I laugh at him.

He starts the car and starts blasting music. That's what makes you beautiful by one direction starts playing. We all start screaming along to the words. I feel Charlie's eyes on me as we both sing along to the words. We both turn our faces to each other and scream the words at each other.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" Owen yells as Charlie almost hits the curb.

Charlie just laughs as he looks back at the road. Charlie kept one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand rested near my leg. I looked down at his hand wondering if he would move it to my leg.

"Did anyone tell Kenny where we were going?" Jermey asks causing us all to start laughing.

"Pffff. No." Charlie replies as he looks back at him.

I feel Charlie's hand gently rest on my thigh sending butterflies through my body. I looked over at him but his eyes were still focused on the road as if nothing had happened. He pulled into the gas station and parked the car.

"We love a late night shoot!" Charlie screamed as he got out of his car.

We all got out of the car and walked inside the gas station. We all went separate ways to get different things. Charlie grabbed my hand and led me to the candy.

"Yesssssss." Charlie mumbled under his breath as he looked at all the candy.

He let go of my hand in order to look at everything. I grabbed some candy and looked around the store. We were the only ones there besides one lady working the cash register. Charlie was impatient and opened his bag of m and m's causing them all to spill on the floor. Charlie put a hand over his mouth in order to contain his laughter.

"You did not..." I say in disbelief as a laugh leaves my mouth.

"Shhh.. it's fine..." Charlie whispers as he starts kicking the m and m's under the isle.

"Stop." I say as I can't breathe because I'm laughing so hard.

Charlie laughs loudly as he starts picking up the m and m's and shoving them into his pockets.

"Charlie...." I start to say but he puts a finger over his mouth telling me to be quiet.

"I got soda.... what happened?" Madi asks as she walks down our isle.

"Charlie's an idiot." I say playfully causing him to scoff.

"I leave you two alone for one second and this happens." Jermey says in disbelief.

There was still a pretty evident amount of m and m's left on the ground.

"I'll go get the cashier lady." Owen mumbles in disappointment as he walks into the aisle.

After we bought the candy and the lady cleaned up Charlie's mess we drove back to set.

"It took us twenty minutes Charlie. I guess you owe me ten bucks." Owen says the second we get out of the car.

"I never agreed to that." Charlie replies playfully.

We all ate our candy as we walked back to set. They still weren't ready for us so me and Charlie went back to the parking lot. We sat on the ground near Charlie's car.

"Throw it into my mouth, I'll catch it." Charlie says as he gestures to the skittles in my hands.

I throw one above Charlie's mouth and it hits his eyes causing us both to laugh.

"Try again. I'm a really good at this." Charlie says as he opens his mouth.

I throw it up again and this time he actually catches it in his mouth causing us both to yell.

"Let's go!" Charlie yells as he high fives me.

We both smile as we turn to face each other. We were both sitting right next to each other and our faces were inches apart. Charlie clears his throat as he quickly looks away.

"Umm.....where are you the most ticklish?" Charlie asks me.

"That's so random." I say causing us both to laugh.

"Yea but answer my question." He says softly.

"Nowhere. I'm not ticklish. What about you?" I ask him softly.

"You are lying! Everybody is ticklish." He says in disbelief.

"Not me." I say sharply.

He shakes his head as he still doesn't believe me.

"You obviously haven't been tickled correctly." He says back to me.

"How does one tickle correctly?" I reply sarcastically.

"Some people just don't do it right." He says as he shrugs his shoulders.

"I think I'm just not ticklish." I say softly.

Charlie gets a mischievous look on his face.

"Don't.." I say as I scoot away from him.

He starts tickling my stomach and I laugh at how dumb he is.

"See I'm not ticklish." I say causing him to give me a confused look.

"No. It just means you aren't ticklish there." He says as his eyes soften.

How is he so adorable? His face lights up as I can tell he is thinking. He tickles my leg and nothing happens. He sighs as he looks at me trying to figure out where I might be ticklish. He places his hand on my neck under my ear and starts tickling me and I started laughing because it was actually working.

"Stop." I say as I can't stop laughing.

"You are like a dog." He mumbles as he takes his hand away.

"Rude." I say as I shove his arm.

He laughs with me as we both stare at each other.

"Your laugh is adorable." He says as he continues to stare at me.

He bites his lip as he glances down at the ground and then back up at me. I feel my face get hot as I look into his green eyes. His eyes move from my eyes to my lips.

"Charlie! Saige!" I hear Jermey yell.

We both break eye contact and quickly stand up.

Charlie would spill candy all over the floor 😂—-
How many times have you watched Julie and the phantoms?

Charlie Gillespie~ Hidden Feelings Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora