Chapter nineteen

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Saiges POV

"You are taking me to a hockey game?" I ask Charlie in disbelief over the phone.

"Yeah.... why? Is it a bad idea?" He asks me softly.

"No it sounds like fun.. I just.... it's really nice of you to ask me." I stutter as I look over at Madi who was currently freaking out.

"So are you free tonight?" Charlie asks me.

I look over at Madi and she violently nods her head yes.

"Yeah... I am." I say playfully into the phone.

"Great... I'll pick you up in an hour." Charlie tells me over the phone.

I hang up and me and Madi sprint up the stairs to my room.

"Hockey games are boring." Madi mumbles as she rummages through my closet.

"No they are not... and plus he really likes hockey." I reply sharply.

"Well... you are going to freeze your butt off ... but at least we can make you look cute." Madi says playfully as she picks out a blue sweater.

I put the sweater on with black leggings and look at my appearance in the mirror.

"Oooh... I think I actually have a hat... that has some hockey team on it." I say in an excited tone as I rummage through my closet.

I place the hat on my head and flip it so it is on backwards.

"How many times are you going to hang out with him before he actually asks you out? Or even kisses you." Madi says in disbelief.

"I don't know... we almost kiss but we never actually do it." I mumble I disappointed.

"Girl... you got to make it happen!" Madi encourages me causing me to laugh.

I heard a knock at the door causing me to sprint down the stairs.

"Hello Charles." I say playfully as I open the door.

He had his classic adorable smile on his face. He also had a hat on and he was wearing a hockey jersey.

"Hi." He says breathlessly as he stares at me.

"Bye Madi before you say anything to embarrass me!" I yell as I shut the door.

Charlie laughs as we walk to his car. He opens the door for me and we both get inside.

"My dad use to take me to so many sports games when I was little." I tell Charlie as he starts driving.

"That's fun.... I always went with my family also." Charlie says softly.

We arrive at the game and Charlie grabs my hand as we walk inside. I feel my heart quicken as I think about what Madi told me. She told me to just make my move already and kiss him but did she realize how hard that was. Charlie lead me towards our seats and I shivered as I realized how cold it was.

"I miss playing hockey." Charlie says softly as we both sit down.

"I can't even imagine playing hockey... my skating skills aren't good enough." I reply playfully.

"I bet I could teach you." He says playfully as he nudges my arm.

"Okay Charlie... you will have to teach me some time." I say playfully as our eyes lock.

We quickly break eye contact as we look at the ice.

"Nice hat." Charlie says playfully as he snatches my hat off of my head.

"Hey...I have serious hat hair." I say defensively as I cover my hair.

"Shut up... you look great." Charlie says playfully as he places the hat back on my head.

Charlie looked so cute and cuddly in his jersey and hat. His eyes were so focused on the game as I kept glancing over at him. His hand rested on his leg and mine was also on my leg. I noticed his hand start to creep over towards my hand. I looked up at him and he kept glancing over at me. I finally felt his hand grab and hold mine. I felt a smile fall on my face as I looked down at our intertwined hands.

"Come on!" Charlie yelled at one of the players causing me to laugh.

We would both cheer and I would pretend to get mad whenever he got mad at the game.

"That was unfair." Charlie huffs as he shakes his head.

"Yeah totally unfair." I say as I have no clue what was happening.

"Do you actualmy understand what is going on?" He asks me playfully.

"Uh... I know the puck goes into the goal." I say as a laugh leaves my mouth.

He smiles as he shakes his head. I shiver causing Charlie to wrap his arm around my back. I kept looking over at his lips just wanting to kiss him at an given moment but I knew I didn't have the guts to do it. The players got off of the ice and the announcer started talking about some lady winning money. I wasn't paying attention to whatever the guy was saying as I stared up at the screen.

"Now we are going to do the classic kiss cam!" The announcer yells.

I smile as I see an old married couple kiss on the big screen. It then goes to a guy and a girl but the girl shakes her head as she looks over at the guy. My heart stops as I see non other than Charlie and me on the big screen. I felt my face get red as I kept my eyes up on the screen. People started chanting for us to kiss and before I had time to react I felt Charlie's hands turn my face towards him as he placed his lips on mine. I was startled at first but quickly kissed him back causing the entire stadium to cheer. My whole entire body felt like it was on fire as I kissed him. We both pulled away and looked back at the ice.

"Had to give the people what they wanted." Charlie says playfully.

My mind was mentally screaming as it replayed the moment in my head. Charlie actually kissed me but did he actually want to kiss me or did he feel forced to do it because of the people around us.

"I am going to get a snack.. you wanna come with?" Charlie asks me as he stands up.

I nod my head as I follow him towards the snack stands. My mind kept zoning out and thinking about Charlie. How did he look so cute all the time? And why was he currently smiling at me with his perfect smile.

"What do you want?" Charlie asks me as we scan the menu.

"You." I blurt causing me to cover my hand with my mouth.

"I mean........You pick." I stutter as I shake my head in embarrassment.

Charlie laughs as he shakes his head.

"Can we get two pretzels please?" Charlie asks the man.

He hands us the pretzels and I mentally slap myself for the previous things I had said.

"Did I already tell you how pretty you look tonight?" Charlie asks me softly as we walk back to our seats.

"Thanks." I mumble as I feel butterflies in my stomach again.

I stuff the pretzel into my mouth causing Charlie to laugh.

"You are adorable." He says in a sing songy voice.

Getting second hand embarrassment hereee 😳

Charlie Gillespie~ Hidden Feelings Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant