Chapter twenty three

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Saiges POV

"Owen! No!" I scream as he beats me in mini golf.

I playfully roll my eyes as he does a victory dance because he beat me. He accidentally ran into me causing me to nearly fall over. He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. His face was inches away from mine before I quickly looked away. I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist as Owen gives me a very confused look. Someone throws me over their back and carries me away from Owen. I push my body up enough to see their face and my eyes land on Charlie.

"Can I help you?" I ask him sharply.

He didn't reply as he angrily carried me to the car. I felt his hands around my waist keeping me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing Charlie?" I ask him angrily as he doesn't respond to me.

He sits down in the car and places me on his lap.

"Do you like Owen?" He asks me out of no where.

"You know you could have just asked me that like a normal person instead of dragging me away from him." I tell him sharply.

"Just answer the question." He huffs out.

"Why do you care?" I ask him playfully as I turn to face him.

I had never seen Charlie like this. He seemed so angry and he wouldn't answer any of my questions.

"No way... your jealous." I say playfully as I nudge his arm.

"I am not." Charlie says as his face started to get flustered.

"You totally are... I don't understand why but you are." I say playfully.

"Just forget it." Charlie mumbles as he removes me from his lap and gets out of the car.

"Are you running away because I'm right?" I yell as he walks away from me.

"I just need to clear my head!" He yells back at me.

I sigh as I run a hand through my hair. Why was he being so confusing right now? I walked back to the mini golf course and I noticed Charlie talking to Jermey.

"Did you have enough time to clear your head in that two second walk?" I ask Charlie playfully as I grab a golf club.

"Yeah and I'm sorry about what I did like two seconds ago I just worry about you okay..." Charlie says softly.

I nod my head as I swing the golf club at the ball way to hard causing it to go flying and almost hit Owen in the head. I gasped as I nearly fell over from laughing so hard but Charlie placed his hands on my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" I yell at Owen.

Charlie and Owen both start dying of laughter.

"It's all good...just be glad it didn't hit me because I would have killed you." Owen says playfully.

"I wouldn't have let you kill her." Charlie says softly as he squeezes me gently.

I just wanted to take a nap in his arms but he let go of me and went over to talk to Owen about something.

"So you and Charlie? Are you guys a thing yet?" Jermey asks me playfully.

"No and I doubt he wants that." I mumble as I stare at the ground.

"Let me give you a little piece of advice.... he wants it." Jermey whispers in my ear causing my face to get red.

"Let's go kiddos!" Jermey yells at everyone.

We all start walking back to the car and I feel Charlie pick me up and hold me in his arms as he carries me to the car.

"You know that I learned how to walk when I was one years old." I tell him playfully.

"Yeah but I like carrying you." Charlie replies softly as he sets me down in the car.

He sat next to me and Madi sat on the other side of me.

"Where the heck is the seat belt?" I mumbled as I look around the seat.

Charlie found the seat belt above my head and handed it to me. I went to buckle it but the buckle was underneath Charlie. He grabbed the seatbelt from me causing his hand to touch mine and he put the seatbelt into the buckle. I laid my head on his lap as he ran his fingers through my hair. Madi just glanced over at us before quickly looking away. Jermey ran over a huge bump cause the whole car to shake and Charlie just started laughing as I clung onto his arm for dear life.

"Can we go to McDonald's?" I asked Jermey playfully.

Jermey just laughed as he nodded his head. We all got out of the car and walked into McDonalds. I was very tired from actually doing stuff all day so I let Charlie carry me inside on his back.

"Oop they have a kids play area....we are going on it." Charlie says playfully as he quickly runs into the room.

"Charlie that's for like kids 5 and under." I tell him as a laugh leaves my mouth.

"I am five... I'm tall for my age." He says playfully as he winks at me.

I follow behind him as he try's to get into the play set but immediately gets stuck.

"You know what... never mind." Charlie says playfully as he tries to get out but is stuck.

I laugh as I grab his arm but he was really stuck.

"Jermey! Help!" I yell as I can't stop laughing.

"How did you ... I don't even wanna know." Jermey mumbles as he tries to get Charlie out but Charlie's body wasn't budging.

"Let's both pull." I tell Jermey.

We both grab his arms and we both pull at the same time. Charlie is no longer stuck as we pull him out and he falls on top of me.

"I knew you were going to get stuck." I say playfully as his face was inches away from mine.

He just laughed as he had a stupid grin on his face. I felt my heart beating quickly against his heart before he quickly got off of me.

I have like no inspiration for this story anymore 🥺

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