Chapter fourteen

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Saiges POV

"So your going on a date with Charlie?" Madi asks me as she gives me a suspicious look.

"Stop calling it that. It's not a date." I reply sharply as I run my hairbrush through my hair.

"Your hanging out with him alone and he's taking you some where and paying." She says sharply.

"We hang out with each other alone all the time. We are just friends and it's not a date." I tell her as I continue to do my hair.

"But you both like each other.... and he didn't invite anyone else." She says as she shakes her head.

"We don't know if he likes me and he never told you if he likes me." I say sharply as I hand her the hair brush.

"It's obvious he likes you!" She yells loudly.

"He just sees me as a friend and it's just two friends hanging out." I tell her as I feel her start to brush my hair.

"Then why are you getting all cute and why are you guys going out?" She asks me with sass evident in her voice.

"Because we wanted to do something fun together but we aren't calling it a date because he doesn't see me like that." I answer her sharply.

"Alright whatever.... it's not a date.... I'm just waiting for the day when you two confess how you really feel about each other." She says softly.

She finishes brushing my hair and I turn around to show her my outfit and hair.

"You look beautiful." She says as she pulls me into a hug.

The door bell rang causing my heart to start beating quickly. I shouldn't be nervous it's just two friends hanging out. Except I happen to have a huge crush on him.

"Hello Charles...." Madi says as she opens the door.

"Hi...." Charlie says softly and then his eyes land on me.

A smile forms on his face as he stares at me. He was wearing a nice shirt and jeans. His hair was adorable per usual.

"You...look... really....nice." He stutters as he keeps his eyes locked with mine.

"Have her home by 6:00." Madi says playfully.

"One...your not my mom and two it's literally 7:00 right now." I say as we all laugh.

"Bye have fun on your date!" Madi screamed.

"It's not a date!" I screamed back at her.

Charlie laughed as we walked to his car. He opened the car door open for me and then closed it as soon as I got in.

"So where are we going?" I asked Charlie softly as he got into the car.

"We are going ice skating. I thought it might be nice to change things up for one night rather than just hanging out at my house." Charlie says as he glances over at me.

"I love ice skating." I say as I look over at him.

His hands were nervously tapping on the steering wheel as he waited at a red light.

"I'm glad we've gotten so close as friends." Charlie says softly as he looks over at me.

"Me to." I say softly as I stare into his eyes.

I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach as his soft eyes stayed focused on mine. The light changes green but Charlie kept his eyes on me. A car honks at us.

"Charlie the lights green." I say as laugh leaves my mouth.

He quickly puts his eyes back on the road and starts driving.

"Oops." He mumbles as he laughs.

We arrive at the ice skating place and Charlie makes sure to open every door possible for me. He paid for my skates even though I told him he didn't have to.

"Can I be completely honest with you?" He asks me as he laughs.

"Yesss... unless I don't wanna know." I say playfully as I laugh.

"I've never been skating before." He blurts causing me to smile.

"Really... well it's pretty easy and I can help you." I say softly.

He helps tie my skates after I tell him how to do it and then I tie his skates. We both walk towards the ice. I see a little kid on the ice with a walker helping him skate.

"You want one of those things?" I ask Charlie playfully as I point at the child using the walker.

"No....I'll just use you instead." He says with a smirk as he steps on the ice.

The second he stepped on the ice he fell over. I put my hand over my mouth in shock.

"You should have waited for me!" I yell as I quickly help him up.

He just laughed as a huge smile stayed in his face.

"How can you still smile after you literally fell? You should be mad." I say in disbelief.

"Because it was funny and I don't like getting mad. I'd rather just let small things brush off my back." He says as he grabs my hand to steady himself.

We slowly move to the wall. Charlie has one hand on the wall and the other tightly wrapped around my arm.

"This is a lot harder than I expected." He says as a laugh leaves his mouth.

"Yeah but once you get the hang of it... it's easy." I say as I continue to help it.

We make it around with Charlie using the wall and my arm to help him skate.

"Can we try going off of the wall?" Charlie asked me softly.

I nodded and he let his arm off of the wall but held on tightly to my arm. He was so adorable when he was struggling to skate. Even if he almost fell he would just laugh it off. We skated slowly without using the wall as Charlie held on tightly to my hand.

"Hey I think I'm getting the hang of it." Charlie said in an excited tone.

He started going faster but he immediately tripped and fell over. His hand was still holding mine so I fell with him. I groaned as my body fell directly on top of his. He laughed as he looked up at me. Our faces were inches apart as he stared up at me.

"I guess I didn't get the hang of it." He says playfully as we both laugh.

I notice him glance down at my lips as he realizes how close we are. I feel my body get hot as I stared into his eyes. I quickly get up off of him and brush the ice off of my leggings. I reach my hand down to help him up but he yanks me back into his embrace.

"Charlie!" I scream as he keeps a tight grip on me.

"I'm sorry I had to seize the opportunity I saw." He says playfully causing me to smack his arm.

But it's not a date 👁👄👁 🤡

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