Chapter fifteen

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Saiges POV

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I tell Charlie as I skate away from him.

"Alright I'll just be here! Chilling on the wall!" Charlie yells back at me.

I laugh as I walk to the bathroom. On my way back my eyes landed on the rink. I noticed a guy who was going so fast around the rink.

"Damm." I mumble to myself as I head towards the rink.

My eyes widen as they land on the boy that was quickly skating around the rink. I recognized his adorable hair immediately as Charlie's.

"I thought you didn't know how to skate!" I yell at him as I walk onto the ice.

He came to an abrupt stop right next to me as a laugh left his mouth.

"I'm from Canada how could you not assume I could skate." He replies playfully.

"Then why did you act like you didn't know how?" I ask him softly.

"Because I wanted to see how cute it was to have you teach me." He says playfully.

My mouth fell open as I shook my head lightly.

"You were faking it that entire time?" I ask him in disbelief.

"I mean I am an actor." He says dramatically as he does a fake bow.

"Not gonna lie that was smooth." I tell him playfully.

"Well now that you know I can really skate let's go fast." He says as he grabs my hand.

He starts skating really fast causing me to almost fall over. He kept a tight grip on my arm in order to make sure I didn't fall. He quickly slows down and helps me regain my balance.

"Here I can just carry you." He says as he gestures to his arms.

"Ummm.... that's highly dangerous." I say as I shake my head.

"Come on... it will be fun." He says as he gives me puppy dog eyes.

"If we go to the hospital.... I'm killing you." I tell him sharply.

He nods his head as he laughs. He bends over and picks me up and holds me in his arms bridal style. He pretends to drop me causing me to scream.

"Jerk!" I scream as I smack his chest.

"I'm sorry it was a joke I promise I won't drop you." He says in a serious tone.

He starts skating around slowly causing me to cling onto his chest. He starts to go faster causing me to squeal. He laughed as he held my body close to him.

"I gotchu." He says loudly.

He gently sets me down and I release the breath I was holding.

"See.. I didn't drop you." He says softly.

We both skate off of the ice. Charlie helps me get my skates off and I help him.

"I use to play ice hockey when I was younger." Charlie tells me as he unties my shoes.

"I can't believe you fooled me." I say as I shook my head slightly.

He just shrugged as he put my actual shoe on my foot.

"It's a perfect fit.. you are my Cinderella." He says playfully as he puts my other shoe on.

"You didn't have to put my shoes on for me." I say in disbelief.

"Yes but I wanted to." He mumbles as he shrugs.

We both walked out of the ice skating rink together and we walked to his car.

"I had a nice time hanging with you... your a great friend." I say awkwardly.

"Yeah... yeah... your a great friend to." He replies awkwardly as he scratches the back of his neck.

He opens the car door for me and I get inside.

"Wanna get ice cream?" Charlie asked me in an excited tone as he got into the driver seat.

"Is that even a question?" I reply playfully.

Charlie drove me to an ice cream place. He bought us both ice cream cones and we walked outside to eat them. The second we got outside Charlie smashes the ice cream cone into my face.

"Charlie!" I screamed as my vision was blurred by the ice cream.

My body shivered as I felt the cold ice cream on my face. Charlies adorable laugh put a smile on my face as I tried to wipe the ice cream off.

"Here let me help you." He says softly as he grabbed a napkin.

"Now you can't even eat it dummy." I mumble as my vision clears.

I notice his eyes focused on wiping away the ice cream from my face.

"I can still eat some of it." He mumbled playfully as he licked the ice cream off of my cheek.

"Gross!" I yell as I wipe my cheek and laugh at him.

"Wow it got in your eyelashes. They are really long and pretty." Charlie says softly as he wipes the ice cream off of my eye lashes.

His eyes stare into my eyes as he focuses on cleaning them with the napkin.

"There... perfect." He says as he was proud of himself.

I looked down at my ice cream debating whether to shove it in Charlie's face or not. Charlie smiled at me as I shoved the ice cream in his face.

"Okay.. I deserved that." He says as he laughs.

I want ice cream rn 🥺

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