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The morning the group had fought a group of bokoblin before installing camp, they had trained a bit and then they all went to do their own things, Wild's being cooking.

So it's safe to say that the day was good so far for Wild, until Warriors decided it was a good idea to look in his belongings.

"Well well well, I would have never guessed... so just how tall is she?" ask the latter while holding Wild's gerudo outfit

"Give it."

Wild immediately try to take it from the hero, sadly for him, Warriors already knew what he was going to do and had already throw it to Legend  while saying 'it's a nice color'.

"No, I think it's for a special someone, tell me I'm wrong"

"Legend." Hiss the champion

"Aww come on, you're no fun" the pink haired hero say before the outfit was now place in Sky's hand.

The one with the outfit in hand just smile before giving it to Wolfie.

"Very funny. Ah-Ah-Ah. Have your laugh. But it's none of your business." Says Wild while approaching the wolf.

The champion try to take it from Twilight's wolf form but to no avail.

"Don't you even- NO! Not you too."

Wild struggle a while before being able to take his outfit and hide it, then the hero go back to his pot.

"C'mon! Take a joke!" Says Warriors while approaching the currently pissed Link.

"Don't ever go trough my stuff!" Growl Wild, side eyeing the others.

"Ok! Ok! So sensitive!" Answer the person concerned before walking away.

Wild take out a small container with red spice in it before showing it to the group he is currently travelling with.

"See this? It's Goron spice." He says before throwing all the spice in his pot.

A bunch of 'What?!?!' and 'No! Wait!' is heard before Wild decide that he's done with the others food and take out an apple for himself.

Hyrule comes sits besides him with the way-too-much-spiced-meal.

"You good?" He asks while eating before coughing "How much Goron spice did you put in that-"

"-Yeah I'm good."

"You don't look like it" Points the other one out and stop eating.

Wild grumble, avoiding any eye contacts.

"Why did you get this annoyed by this?"

The champion says something under his breath that Hyrule can't catch.

"What?" Ask quizzically the one with short hair.

"It's because it's mine" Wild says a little bit louder, just enough for Hyrule to hear.

"Seriously? Why don't you tell the others?" Blue eyes stare at him before he gets tired of that and speak up again "What?"

"Nevermind." Sigh Wild

"Hey, can I see you wearing it, one day?"

There's a pause before Hyrule hear a 'Of course'

He doesn't wait long enough for Wild to say anything else, already giving the other Link a big hug, Wild hugs awkwardly back and smile a bit to himself.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm done! 

I know, I know, the beginning was just a description of one of Jojo small BD, but I just wanted to make a scene after, and for people who don't read Jojo's bd they wouldn't understand if I just wrote "After Warriors find out about Wild's Gerudo outfit"

oops I'm sorry ;w;

also the end doesn't make sense at all, I just wanted them to give each other a hug. that's it. that's the whole story. all of that writing only for a hug. but it was worth it. uuwuu

gbhhsdxkma omg I published the last chapter six days ago- I was productive OMFG WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MEH- AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Have a good day! :3 (I'm always open for suggestion for the next chapters btw)

Stay safe! :3

- Hell

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