How can you be so sure

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Sorry for not updating, just having hard time with exams so ;3;


Because I can't do fluff, here is the less angsty thing I could do

If it were on ao3 it would be tag like this: fluff then angst then fluff again

Wild would be lying if he said he didn't doubt every action he made, but it never came up in a conversation, so all he could do is tell himself that 'you're fine, you're alright, you're doing great, look everyone around is doing the same thing, you're not out of the loop, you will be fine, nobody know that you're doubting, they're not looking at you because you're doing the wrong thing, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good you're good you'regoodyou'regoodyouregoodyouregoodyouregoodyouregood' —

«Wild! Wild! You will never guess what happened!
— Uhhhh no, I don't have a clue, Wild answer unsure of himself
— Ok! So I was--»

Wind's exited chatter is forgotten when Wild pace out.

«--And then I smashed it in the head!
— WaiT! ReallY! That's so so so cooL!
— I know right! There was also this other time where--»

He silently looks around the camp before noting that the sun is already down and that he should start making food.

He cuts Wind in the middle of his sentence
«--So I--
— Hey, can you tell me more as I cook
— Yes! I was getting really hungry! What are you going to do for tonight?
— Probably something with meat
— Great! I--»

They continue to talk for a while about everything they could think of.

˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚

The eight Links are all around the fire, everyone talking about the biggest thing they fought (nobody believes you Time, you can't fight the moon) until Four came up with this subject: What was the thing you struggled the most to do to complete your adventure?

Warriors decided to be the first to share with "Being able to get my army to trust my decisions" which was soon followed by a laugh from Legend

«Yeah! Well why don't you tell us about yours, huh. Warriors answer with, a smirk making it's way to his face
— Ravio.
— What?»

That was all they could get from Legend, who decided to keep his mouth shut after that.

«Anyone else wants to share?
— I do
— We know Sky
— The hardest was leaving my Zelda
— We know Sky»

Wind had piped up at that, mentioning that he had really missed his family when he went with Linebeck (we all know you still do Wind, don't try to hide it by saying it in the past tense)

«What about Twilight?
— Mh? Oh, trapping someone, who I cared about, in the dark world, knowing I would never see them again
— Oh- that got dark fast-» (see what I did there)

Time mentioned something about leaving a horse, for Four it was about getting adjust with some weird thing that happened with a sword (?), which means only Hyrule and Wild hadn't share.

"C'mooooonnnnnn we wanna knooooooow" cried out Wind after both refused to answer.

After a few minutes Hyrule give in, which earn him a look that screams 'traitor!' from Wild.

"Hehe," Hyrule chuckle nervously, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, "if we're talking about people we lost I can't say much because I was alone all of my adventure, but I guess it was trusting other people that took me a lot of time to do" Hyrule fall on the floor after Wind jump on him, giving him a huge hug, Hyrule is met with a "Well! You're not alone anymore! We're here to stay!" from Wind, to which all the other Links nods.

After a few more minutes of encouraging comments toward Hyrule, they all turn to Wild, expecting him to answer the question (which was What Was The Thing You Struggled The Most To Do To Complete Your Adventure) since everyone already shared.

— Take your time cub
— Yeah hehe......»

Wild decide to gather his thoughts before looking at the grass, founding it suddenly very interesting

"Yeah, ok, yeah" he whispers, to calm himself down, not feeling comfortable with the pressure "the hardest thing was believing myself"

«huh? Why?
— let him talk Wind,» shush Warriors

"I mean,, imagine this, try to trust yourself when you wake up from a one hundred years sleep, not remembering anything from your past, all that you know is like a lie, nothing is truth, you don't even know who you are, you don't know if you're lying to yourself and to all of those around you, you hear people saying things like the fact that they know you when you don't even know yourself, you hear rumours about you that doesn't describe you, but maybe it does, but you don't KNOW because WHO even are YOU??" At the last few words, tears started gathering in Wild's eyes

"Wild, don't worry you're fine--"

"Ye-ah! Yeah! YEAH, I'M ALWAYS FINE" he curls onto himself and start rocking back and forth "what does fine even mean??? It's just a word that Hylians created to feel safe, to convince themselves that they're doing great and everything is sunshine and flowers! But what about, oh I don't know, REALITY???? WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE TIME YO-you you felt so alone an-d you couldn't change SHIT about it, WHAT ABOUT THOSE TIMES???? THOSE TIMES THAT STILL HURT YOU DEEP INSIDE EVEN IF YOU DON'T REMEMB-ER, THEY STILL EXIST SO YEAH I'M FINE!! I'VE NEVER FELT ANY BETTER!" A light chuckle escape his mouth after his outburst.

The others look at Wild, eyes filled with emotions that he can't decipher.

He bit in his lip, trying to quiet his whimper down

"A-nd you know what's funny about it?" They shake their heads "it's funny how people fake how much th-ey care about you, one day they try to make you feel better, the next they leave you all alone, putting the fault on you for what happened to hyrule." He hides his face behind his hair, as he grab onto his bangs, tugging on them, trying to keep himself grounded.

Twilight walk up to Wild, and crouch besides him "Hey, hey Wild don't do that" Twilight say in a whisper as he take Wild's hand into his own. "Don't hurt yourself, we are all here for you, okay" he continue to talk slightly above a whisper, like if afraid that if he talks too loud Wild would shatter, Twilight waits patiently for Wild to answer him, as the others fall into the background

"Yeah, yeah, ok-ay" he whispers back, his voice still slightly shaking, as he bits his lower lip again, this time to keep the tears in.

"We can go talk away from the others, just us two, if you want"

"Yeah" he says as relief wash over him, his face still hidden between his knees "yeah I would like that"

Yeah I can't write fluff for the death of me, send help-

Like, all of my chapters is just me projecting on Wild, the difference is that Wild gets actual help when I don't 😤👌🏽

I'm actually really proud of this chapter, that's a first-

This one-shot is kinda short but I wouldn't have it any other way

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