04| The Club

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Ethan had traveled to almost every corner of the world at this point

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Ethan had traveled to almost every corner of the world at this point.

He loved to travel, that was true. But the reason behind his monthly trips wasn't exactly that love.

The reason, partly, was because every month he tried to run away from himself, from his demons, from his problems. But after every trip they caught up to him like parasites sucking the blood out of him.

The other reason might have been that he was subconsciously in search of something.

The love for exploration was just a plus point and an excuse to present to the world.

Not that he cared about the world.

But then, if he was indeed in search of something, he had failed to recognize what exactly that thing was.

Which irked Ethan more than it would any other person. Because Ethan Williams always had all the answers.

He knew what he had wanted to do since he was a kid. He'd known exactly what his life would look like at 30. He knew what he wanted to become and what he wanted to avoid becoming.

Even the demons that tore at his soul little by little, he'd seen coming from a very young age. He was prepared. His mind had made peace with the fact that he was broken and that he'll have to work harder than other people to keep himself intact.

But that something that was missing, that something he had never seen coming and he wasn't prepared for it. He needed answers or else the thing would devour him whole, leaving no trace of his existence behind.

But then he wondered, it wouldn't be too bad if that happened.

It would be peaceful in a fucked up sense. To just be gone without a trace. If only it could be done quickly.

The guard in front of the wrought iron gates had recognized him the moment he'd stepped out of his car so when Ethan approached, he only heard the accepting beep of the keypad attached at the side of the door and then the old gates were creaking open.

The guard gave him a nod of acknowledgement, which Ethan ignored and walked in.

The mansion was a huge double storey, Victorian style building with sloping gable roofs and pointed turrets.

The exterior of the imposing asymmetrical structure was all stone with large windows on the upper floor that looked down on the front yard.

The place looked like something out of a children's fairytale during daytime but right now, under the silver moonlight, it looked exactly what it was meant to; Intimidating and terrifying.

The autumn leaves crunched under Ethan's feet as he made the walk from the wrought iron gates towards the main door.

There was another guard stationed there and he, just like the previous one, held the door open for him before he approached.

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