Chapter 2: Stay With Me

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He saw something light up in Hinata when he said those last few words, like the light behind his face, hiding his sorrows had flickered. "My parents haven't ever really liked me." He said, turning his face away. "They've always wanted a girl. They never really went very far in taking care of me, but when Natsu was born, it got worse. They completely stopped caring about me at all. I knew they didn't like me, but it still hurt. They never really care if I'm home or not, ha, I don't even think they remember my birthday at this point." Hinata's voice cracked and he quickly wiped a tear away. He seemed to come back to consciousness "S-sorry, you probably don't care about this, you have your own problems to take care of." Hinata faked a smile. Kageyama knew it was fake, but Hinata had the power of making it seem so genuine. If you didn't know Hinata well, you'd think nothing of it, but Kageyama knew. He knew that Hinata wasn't actually happy. He could see that the radiance that came from Hinata Shoyo weren't there, and that he may have looked happy, but it was to please, not to be honest.

"Goodni-" Kageyama hugged Hinata. Hinata didn't know what to do. He was awestruck. He didn't think Kageyama would ever hug anyone, especially him. Never would he think that Kageyama saw him as anything more than a teammate, but at that moment, he felt like Kageyama . . . cared? He gently wrapped his arms around Kageyama and accepted the hug. "Wow" he thought "I forgot how amazing hugs could feel at times." He closed his eyes and sat, hugging Kageyama and letting a few small tears stream from his eyes. Kageyama let go of the hug.

"Sorry if that was a little sudden, you just looked like you needed it." Kageyama said. Hinata sniffled and wiped a small tear away from his eyes. "For a hot headed person, you give pretty good hugs Bakayama." Hinata said slightly laughing and sniffling at the same time. Kageyama slightly pushed him, "Boke." Hinata laughed. At that moment, Hinata and Kageyama both felt a small droplet of water fall lightly on their heads. Almost in synth, they looked up at the sky just as it began to pour. Hinata stood up and screamed, running happily through the rain like a little kid. Kageyama put his hand over his mouth to hide the small smirk that was forming. Maybe he did like Hinata.

He ran through the rain, blurred by the droplets, but never stopping. He always enjoyed the rain when he was little. It was the only time that his parents would actually acknowledge where he was and tell him to come inside. He could feel his hair starting to slightly drop, like it always did when it rained. Kageyama took off his hoodie and put it over his head. "Oi, boke, come on." Kageyama yelled. He watched as Hinata flinched at him yelling. He turned around and continued to smile, walking towards Kageyama. Why did he flinch again? Hinata, catching up to Kageyama asked "Where are we going?" Kageyama simply replied with "My house, you'll catch a cold." "O-oh, okay." Hinata was Kageyama's best friend, so why did he feel nervous going to Kageyama's home? Maybe it was because he was just anxious from his family, or slightly frightened because he'd never been to Kageyama's house . . . or maybe, perhaps. . . it was the feeling he got in his heart every time he saw Kageyama that made him feel that way. Could he possibly . . . like Kageyama?

They ran through the rain, both holding the jacket up with an arm. Because Kageyama was so tall, Hinata only needed to hold it up a tiny bit, just so that he could see, but being Hinata, he held it up as high as Kageyama, as if saying he could do exactly what Kageyama could too, even though he was much shorter. They arrived at his house. The moment Hinata stepped inside, the house felt so warm and homey. He could feel the love radiating off the walls. They walked into the kitchen to see Kageyama's mom setting the table, amazing smells coming from some pots. "Hey mom!" Kageyama said. "Hey Sweetie." She looked up from setting the table. "Oh, you have a friend over. Kags why didn't you tell me!" she said making her way towards Hinata. "Hi sweetie what's your name!" she asked, hugging Hinata while beaming. "My name is Shoyo Hinata! You can call me Hinata." "Well, hello Hinata, I'm Kageyama's mom, you can call me Mrs. Mio" she said smiling warmly. Hinata already liked being here. It felt safe and welcoming, very different from his house. As he thought about this, he looked at the bruise on his knee. He hoped nobody thought much about it, he didn't have time to cover it up this morning. He shook his thoughts from his head as he heard Mrs. Mio's voice once more."Oh, Kags is this your teammate you're always telling me about." she said, winking at Kageyama. Both boys turned a light shade of pink. "Mom, really." Kageyama mumbled. "I'm just pulling your leg Kags." she said walking away and laughing. "Hey Hinata, do you have clothes?" Kageyama asked. "Hmm, I think I have some, but not a lot." "Okay" Kags replied. "If you want to, we can go to your house tomorrow and get some more, I'll come with." "Oh okay!" Hinata said, his voice going high as a slight look of concern fell across his face. He liked that Kageyama wanted to help him, so he tried to act like he wasn't mortified of the fact that he had to go home. There were some parts of the story that Hinata may have left out . . .

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