Chap 5: It All Makes Sense

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( Trigger Warning)

Okay, so I don't know what it's called, but this chapter contains abuse ( I think) which may be touchy to some people. Please, if you don't feel comfortable with stuff like this, don't force yourself to read it. If you'd still like to know what happened without reading this chapter, please comment and I will write you a personal summery of what happened. If you are going to continue reading this, have some tissues cause this bitch cried, so you probably will too. I wish you luck, and enjoy :)

Hinata woke up. He was warm and cozy. It felt nice. He could smell something good wafting through the air. He felt calm and safe. He didn't remember where he was for a second because he could never recall feeling so happy in his own home. He looked around and remembered where he was. He was with Kageyama. That was probably why he felt so happy. Where was Kageyama? He looked around the room with his eyes, being too comfortable to move his body, but couldn't find him. He began to try and get up slowly before feeling a lightweight hold him down. It was Kageyama. He had his arm around Hinata and his other hand frayed loosely on the other side of himself. Hinata blushed furiously. He liked this. He felt safe and happy. Although it wouldn't last long, he decided to enjoy these few moments.

Kageyama woke to his dimly lit room. He was still snuggled against Hinata, his own arm still draped around the small, ginger boy. Kageyama was glad he had woken up first because Hinata may have been weirded out by the fact that his arm was over him, and they were so close. Kageyama got up slowly, trying his best not to wake Hinata. He slowly went to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and combing his hair. He went back to his room to see Hinata sitting up in bed. The sun was hitting him at an angle that made him look like he was glowing. His radiant orange hair was as messy as ever, and he was rubbing his eyes like a small child. Kageyama's heart burst. He looked adorable. Hinata finished rubbing his eyes and looked to Kageyama standing at the door. He smiled warmly at Kageyama, the sun hitting his face while it glowed. Hinata was happy to see Kageyama when he opened his eyes. He knew it wasn't just a dream. He beamed, this time, not even having to fake it. He was genuinely happy to see Kageyama. Kageyama made him feel happy. "Morning Kageyama!" Hinata said, still beaming. "Good morning Boke." Hinata yawned once again. "Kageyama, where is your bathroom?" "Oh, it's right next to mine." "Thank you Kageyama." Hinata got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, him and Kageyama talked for a bit before hearing Kageyama's mom call them down for breakfast.

Both boys ran to the stairs and raced all the way down, Kageyama nearly ramming himself into the wall due to his sliding socks. "I won!" Hinata shouted. "No, you had an unfair disadvantage because I had socks on." "Well I didn't make you put them on." The two bickered back and forth. Mrs. Mio watched in wonder. She smiled at both of them. They were perfect for each other. "Alright lovebirds, settle down." Miwa said. Hinata turned his face away blushing while Kageyama tried to hit her, missing poorly.

The four ate breakfast. All were pretty chatty except Kageyama. He just stared at Hinata, and for a few moments, he let himself imagine being in a relationship with him. To be able to hold his hand and cuddle with him.To be the reason he radiated sunshine, his smile glowing just like his messy, orange locks. He wondered how it would feel to carry Hinata like a princess, Hinata smiling at him and laughing. To be able to be there whenever he needed him the most. Miwa slapped Kageyama in the face. "Earth to Kageyama!" she said, sounding irritated. "Don't slap me!" Kageyama said angrily. "Then answer me when I'm talking to you." The two glared at each other. " Children, that's enough." Mrs. Mio said sternly. The two both piped down.

The two boys finished eating and went up to Kageyama's room. "I'm going to get dressed, you should too." "Oh, okay, where are we going!" Hinata asked brightly. "You're staying here for a while, so we need to go get some of your things from your house." Hinata's world shattered. "It-it's fine I don't have to stay here for a while. I don't wanna be a bother." Hinata's face went dark. It's like a dark shadow came over and sat on top of Hinata. He could tell Hinata wanted to stay. He could tell Hinata didn't want to go even near his home at all. Things must have been really bad for Hinata to react this way. Little did Kageyama know the horrors that went down in Hinata's life. " You're not a bother. I don't mind having you here at all, but if you don't want to stay, you are welcome to leave." " I'll- I'll stay, but you don't have to come with me to get clothes, I can-" Hinata swallowed "I can do it myself." He was terrified. Kageyama could hear it in his voice. There was no way he'd let him go alone. "Boke, I'm here with you, I'll protect you." Kageyama said, trying to keep his stern expression

"O-okay." Hinata didn't want Kageyama to see the things his parents did to him, but he had no choice. The two got dressed and headed to Hinata's. Just as Hinata was about to open the door, he turned to Kageyama tears in his eyes "I'm sorry" he said, practically sobbing. Before Kageyama could reply, Hinata rammed his shoulder into the door. He slowly walked into his kitchen, Kageyama following. "There you are brat." Hinata's mother sneered. She didn't see Kageyama. "Where the hell were you!" she shouted at Hinata. "I-I was a-a" She pulled him by his hair and threw him against the wall, slapping his face as he fell. It sounded exactly like thunder. "YOU BRAT." Hinata sobbed "I'M SORRY." he put his face in his knees. His mom slapped his face again. He began to bleed. Just as she was about to take another swing Kageyama yelled. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM! HE'S YOUR SON HOW COULD YOU TREAT HIM LIKE THIS!" He ran to Hinata, helping him to his feet and standing in front of him. He now understood why Hinata was so petrified to come here.  She looked at Hinata "You BRAT." "Kageyama, stop" Hinata softly pleated "You are a horrible woman." Kageyama said, looking her straight in the eyes. " How can you manage to live with something like this. You terrify your son, and why? Because you wanted a daughter, pathetic." "You little shit." Hinata's mom said, picking up a glass vase and chucking it at Kageyama. Kageyama had no time to react. Just as it was about to hit his face, he watched in slow motion as Hinata ran towards him. His pupils going small, he realized what Hinata was about to do. "HINATA NO!" He yelled, but it was too late. He fell to the floor as Hinata rammed into him. The next thing he knew, the vase shattered and Hinata was on the ground. He didn't take the full damage, putting his hand up to shield his face at the last moment, but that didn't stop shards of glass to get caught in his face. " You can hurt me. I won't fight back, I'll let you hurt me as much as you'd like, but don't EVER touch my friends." Hinata said, still crying. His mom grabbed him by the hair. "Get your stuff and get out of my house. DON'T EVER COME BACK!" She pushed Hinata and stormed off to another room in the downstairs area.

Hinata wished he would have never let Kageyama come with him. He should have tried harder to get him to stay at his house so he wouldn't have to see this. He turned to Kageyama. "I-I'm sorry." he said, rubbing the tears from his eyes, whimpering softly as he hit small pieces of glass still stuck in his face. It all made sense now.. Why he had been flinching all week. Why he was always apologizing. Why his face went dark every time someone mentioned his family. Why he was so afraid of the thunder . . . it explained all of it. He got up looking at Hinata. He was crying. His face had cuts all over it, and some spots even had bruises other than his arms. He got up slowly and made his way over to Hinata. He picked him up like a princess and carried him to the room he thought was his to get his stuff. He had found, not even a room, but a closet decorated with a bed, desk and a bag holding his clothing. He grabbed the bag and the two left, Hinata had fallen asleep due to exhaustion. 

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