Chap 4: Thunder

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When Mrs. Mio came back from the room, they continued eating. Once they had all finished their dinners, on top of a dessert of Mochi, they all headed to bed.

It had begun thundering a little while ago. Hinata wasn't the only one who had jumped when the first strike went off, but that would only excuse him once. Hinata hated the thunder, he always had. It was big, and loud, and scary, and having no one there to comfort you when you were afraid of things like that as a child, the feeling just isn't too hot. But since it all began, that's when it really started to get worse. That's when a lot of things started to get worse. The loud, pounding booms sounded exactly like . . . Hinata shook the thoughts from his head, as he heard Kageyama calling his name. "Oh, sorry Kageyama-kun, what were you saying." Hinata asked. He looked like a confused puppy. God, was he cute when he did that. "Oh, do you wanna sleep on the floor, or the bed with me, it's big enough for the two of us." Kageyama said with a blank expression. Really, he was trying so hard not to blush. For some odd reason, he hoped Hinata would choose the bed with him. "Um, I'll sleep on the floor, you can have your bed." Kageyama was slightly disappointed, but he just nodded and went to the bathroom to change. A loud sound of thunder boomed, and Hinata yelped. Not enough to wake Miwa or Mrs. Mio, who were sleeping downstairs, but not quiet enough to stop him from pondering if Kageyama had heard it or not. Kageyama came back not too long after Hinata's yelp, and Hinata could tell Kags hadn't heard it. He was relieved.

Kageyama gave Hinata blankets and pillows and switched off the light. Hinata slept on the ground, which wasn't that uncomfortable, Kageyama having a carpeted floor. Kageyama couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about Hinata. He wanted desperately to be closer to him, but didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, so he just closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. Hinata was scared. Not just of the fact that there was a thunderstorm going on, he was just scared. Scared of everything. His parents. Having to go to his house again. Causing trouble for Kageyama. He was just scared. Since Hinata was so lost in thought, when a loud rage of thunder struck, Hinata yelped even louder than before.

"Boke?" Kageyama's soft voice spoke out. "Y-yeah." "Are you okay." "Y-yeah, I'm fine." just as Hinata said that, thunder struck once more, causing Hinata to yelp once again. "Sorry!" he said, covering his mouth. Kageyama turned around to face Hinata "Are you scared?" Hinata knew Kageyama couldn't see him blushing, but he still hid his face in his hands. "Uhh, yeah sort-sort of. Not really." Another strike of thunder passed by causing Hinata to ,once again, jump and yelp, this time hiding under the blankets like a small child. Jeez, the timing couldn't have been any worse.

"It's okay, I don't like thunder either." Kageyama thought it was cute that Hinata was afraid of something so childish. Little did he know the dark truth behind it. "S-sorry!" Hinata said, sounding frustrated with himself. "Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong, boke" Hinata felt more calm hearing Kageyama's soft voice. "Come, I'll protect you." Kageyama said and patted the bed. It was funny how he could tease Hinata without even realizing. Hinata turned around to face Kageyama. The bed was pretty close to the ground, so Hinata could make out the shape of Kageyama. He couldn't see any features of Kageyama at all except for his eyes. It was almost like they were glowing. They were so blue, it looked like somebody had just painted them. He slowly got into the bed and snuggled against Kageyama.

After a while Kageyama could hear the steady breath of Hinata. He was asleep. Kageyama put an arm over Hinata, slightly ruffling the ginger's hair. He had never cuddled with anybody besides Miwa who would usually push him away. It felt nice, especially since he was with Hinata. He'd never seen Hinata so up close. Even in the dark, he could still make out small features of Hinata that he'd never seen before. He looked even cuter when he was asleep. He even smiled in his sleep. That was Hinata for you, he could smile anywhere, anytime, any place, even if it was fake. A while later he fell asleep, the warmth of Hinata against him calming and soothing Kageyama.

(Author's note)

Hey guys! Ukiyo here, I just wanted to say thank you for reading this far! I know that there isn't a lot of views for this story, but that doesn't mean that they don't matter. I'm so happy the few people that are reading this story like it enough to continue reading it! Sorry this chapter was a little short, but next chapter ( which will probably be poste tomorrow or the day after) will be VERY exciting and wholesome. Have some tissues near by because it ganna get deep! I will put a warning, but just in case I forget, the next part is going to contain abuse and drepressioness.  Thank you for reading this far and feel free to comment. I would enjoy reading what you guys have to say and what you think about the story so far! For now, have a nice rest of your day/night! Ukiyo signing off!

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