Chap 6: I love you

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Once Kageyama got home, he was still carrying Hinata who was fast asleep. Mrs. Mio gasped at Hinata's face and body. "What happened!" She asked overwhelmingly. Kageyama put a finger to his lips and signaled with his eyes that he was going upstairs. She met his eyes, and just from staring at him, she knew something had happened with Hinata's family. He walked up to the room and placed Hinata on the bed, letting him sleep soundly. He went back downstairs and sat down with his mom. Before even explaining what happened, He gave her a big hug. "I love you mom." he said. She had no idea where this had come from, she placed her arms around Kageyama and kissed his forehead "I love you too baby." Kageyama explained everything that had happened, both of them tearing up occasionally. " I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know it was that bad. I feel like an idiot for never realizing that something was happening." "Kageyama, things like that are hard to see, especially with someone who is so good at covering it up like Hinata. Seeing him talk and act, I would have never even imagined something like that could be going on." "Well" Kageyama asked "What are we going to do?"

Hinata woke up. Everything hurt. He touched his face and quickly pulled his hand back, whimpering. There were shards of glass in his face. His arms and legs were covered in bruises. It all hit him at once and he remembered everything that had happened. He curled himself up into a ball and cried. He shook with every sob. He was sorry, sorry that Kageyama had to see that. Maybe if he wasn't so worthless, none of this would have happened. Maybe if he tried harder, his parents would actually love him. Maybe if he wasn't so flawed . . . Kageyama would like him.  Hinata didn't hear the door swing open. He couldn't stop shaking. After every sob he'd ask himself the questions that were building up in his head. Suddenly, he felt a warm embrace. He flinched slightly, not knowing what was going on. He heard Kageyama's whisper "You're not worthless, don't think about yourself like that." "S-sorry." He said, trying to stop himself from shaking and sobbing, but failing. "You have nothing to be sorry for." Kageyama replied. The two just sat in silence, Hinata crying and Kageyama hugging him gently, swaying back and forth slowly.

When Hinata calmed down, Kageyama began to speak. " We have a guest room, you can stay here with us." "If you'd like to." Kageyama added. He wanted to make sure Hinata was comfortable with staying here. " Are you sure, I don't want to be a bother-" "Hinata" Kageyama said, using his hand to bring Hinata's chin up. He was looking straight in Hinata's large, hazel eyes, rimed with tears. He took a breath. " You're not a bother Hinata. You've never been a bother to me. Don't think that you're not enough, especially enough for me because I . . . love you Hinata." Hinata stared into Kageyama's eyes. "I love you" the words echoed in his head. He tried to think of a time when someone had told him that, but he couldn't. Kageyama loved him. " Y-you love me?" Kageyama nodded his head. Hinata's eyes rimmed with more tears. " If you don't-" Hinata clung to Kageyama's chest hugging him tightly and crying. "I love you too Kageyama."

Kageyama held the back of Hinata's head, kissing the top of it. " I'd love to stay here with you Kageyama." Hinata went to dig his face into Kageyama's chest before pulling back and whimpering. He had forgotten the fact that he had shards of glass still left in his face from the vase. Kageyama moved Hinata on his lap and looked at his face. Hinata was bleeding everywhere with a few bruises. "C'mon, we need to clean up your face." Kageyama said whilst getting up. "Okay." Hinata said following. He grabbed Kageyama's hand ,blushing. Kageyama didn't look back at him, instead he just squeezed it for a second, and led the way to his kitchen.

"Mom, do you have anything that can clean up Hinata's face?" Miwa looked up from her phone and gasped. "What happened to you!" Hinata nervously chuckled. Mrs. Mio sprang to her feet. "Yes, come come." She moved her hand, signaling for Kageyama and Hinata to follow. She took Hinata to the bathroom and looked at his face. "Oh boy, you really got torn up ,huh." She said, moving Hinata's head around with her hands, trying to locate all the cuts. "Mhm." Hinata said. She used tweezers to remove the glass, put ointment on the cuts, and bandaged his face. Hinata whimpered a few times, each time, Kageyama squeezing his hand a bit tighter, calming Hinata. Once she was done she smiled at Hinata. She hugged the small boy, him hugging her back just as warmly. "Thank you for letting me stay here Mrs. Mio." Hinata said. "Of course! You stay here as long as you'd like. All of your clothes are washed, they are in the living room." "T-thank you!" Hinata said. Hinata walked out of the bathroom, still holding Kageyama's hand. They grabbed his bag of clothing and set them in the guest room, which was now his. He had never actually had a real bedroom, so it was amazing to him to be sleeping in a place like this.

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