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The four ate dinner happily. Hinata beamed, he felt as though he couldn't stop. This was the first time that he actually had someone. It felt good to know that someone actually cared where he was, or how he was feeling, or where he got all those bruises from. He sat, eating with the family, feeling as though he could finally be at peace. In the back of his mind, he knew it wouldn't last, but he tried his best to shut that thought out for now and enjoy himself. When the boys had finished dinner, they raced up stairs to see who would shower first, Kageyama winning. Hinata went in the shower after Kageyama had finished, which wasn't that long, Kageyama taking relatively short showers. When he came  out, He rushed to his room to get something on because he was very cold. Forgetting to dry his hair, he placed on one of his hoodies with black shorts.

He walked back to the bathroom to put his towels away at the same time as Kageyama. They put their towels away and looked at each other. Out of nowhere, Kageyama grabbed Hinata's towel. "Come here Boke." Hinata came closer to Kageyama. Kageyama threw the towel over Hinata's head and ruffled his hair. Hinata picked the towel up just above his eyes and smiled at Kageyama, letting out a small giggle too. "D-don't do that, you look cute." Kageyama said, turning away and blushing. Hinata blushed and giggled. They put the towel back and headed to their rooms to go to sleep.

Hinata always had trouble falling asleep, especially in his house. Now that he was in a safe environment, it was a lot easier. To help him fall asleep, he thought about something that would make him happy. Kageyama. Kageyama made him happy. He thought of Kageyama, making up scenarios in his mind, and soon enough, he fell asleep. If only his dreams would stay this sweet. He was sitting in his room, sobbing. His face was bleeding, his mother standing at the door with a belt. "YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT." She made way over to his bed. Just as she was about to hit him, he woke up at the same time a loud strike of thunder hit, followed by a bolt of lightning. He yelped as the loud noise came, thinking he was about to get hit. Tears streamed down his face and he hid himself in the blanket crying. He heard the door open and quickly stopped making noise. "Hinata" he heard Kageyama whisper. "I know your not asleep."

Hinata moved the blanket away from his hazel eyes, swimming with tears. Kageyama sat on his bed and moved Hinata into his lap, cradling him like a baby. Hinata dug his face into Kageyama's chest and cried. Kageyama held the back of his head. " It's okay, you're okay now." Another strike of thunder went off causing an already panicked Hinata to yelp even louder, flinching even harder. Kageyama just held him tight. " I have you, don't be scared baby." Hinata put his arms around Kageyama's neck. "Please don't let me go." Hinata whispered, still sobbing. "Never," Kageyama said. He got up and carried Hinata to his bedroom. They both laid down in the bed together snuggling close. "I got you Hinata, no one can hurt you now. And if they do, I'll beat their ass." Hinata chuckled, making Kageyama smirk. "I love you Bakayama." "I love you too Boke"

Hinata shuddered and winced like a small puppy everytime thunderstruck, each time Kageyama pulling him closer. Eventually he fell asleep. Kageyama was happy. He didn't ever think he needed a relationship, but now that he was in one, he didn't understand how he could live without it. He kissed Hinata's forehead and toyed with his hair. Slowly, his eyes grew heavy and he fell asleep.

Hinata woke to the sun shining in his eyes from Kageyama's window. He was snuggled up against Kageyama, his head under Kageyama's chin. Hinata had a thought. He blushed at the idea. He pulled his head out from underneath Kageyama's and kissed him. Kageyama's eyes opened, wide and as blue as ever. Hinata pulled away from the kiss and hid his face underneath the blanket. Even from underneath the blanket, Kageyama could see how red Hinata was. "Boke." Kageyama whispered as he lifted the blanket away.

Kageyama moved Hinata on his lap, Hinata still hiding his face behind his hands. Kageyama grabbed his hands and moved them slowly. He kissed Hinata, Hinata kissing back. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Mrs. Mio. "Good mor-" she stopped and looked at them. At the same time, both boys pushed away from each other, causing Hinata to fall off the bed and land on his head. Mrs. Mio just stared at the two boys. "Called it." she said turning around and walking away, closing the door behind her. Kageyama and Hinata just stood in silence looking at the door. Out of nowhere, Kageyama pushed Hinata's feet. Hinata shrieked as he landed flat on his face. "Bakayama!" Hinata said, pouting as Kageyama laughed. Hinata grabbed a pillow and threw it at Kageyama's face, instantly regretting it. Hinata ran for the door. Just as he was about to swing it open, Kageyama grabbed him by the waist and picked him up. Hinata squealed, flailing his legs. Kageyama placed him on the bed, and began tickling his stomach. Hinata laughed furiously, trying to tell Kageyama to stop, but he failed due to how much he was laughing. When Hinata thought he would die of laughter Kageyama stopped, sitting next to him and picking up his phone. Hinata poked his head through Kageyama's arm and Kageyama pulled him closer.

After a while, they both went downstairs to get breakfast. "So both of you kissed." Miwa said, smirking and looking up from her phone. "Miwa! I told you not to say anything." Hinata and Kageyama blushed heavily. "No we didn't" "Yeah we did." Hinata and Kageyama said at the same time. Kageyama face-palmed and blushed harder while Hinata jumped up and down preaching "Yeah we did, yeah we did." "Little Tobio is embarrassed." Miwa said in a mocking voice. "Shut up Miwa!" Kageyama hit her. "OWW!" "I didn't even hit you that hard." Miwa got up from her chair and began to chase Kageyama. Hinata and Mrs. Mio just watched as the two ran back and forth.

Once Miwa was done trying to kill her brother, the four ate their breakfast in peace enjoying every bit of it. Once they were done, Miwa and Mrs. Mio went grocery shopping. Before Mrs. Mio left, she gave Kageyama a look that practically screamed "If you do anything, I'll beat your ass." and left. Kageyama and Hinata got snacks and went to Kageyama's living room to watch a movie. Kageyama layed on the couch, stretching his arms out so Hinata could lay on his chest. Hinata turned on his stomach and laid his head against Kageyama's chest, facing the TV. Kageyama played with Hinata's fluffy, orange hair, watching his Hazel eyes glimmer from the light of the screen. He was the luckiest person alive.

A week or so later, Nishonoya found Hinata and Kageyama kissing and exposed them to their volleyball group chat. That was a whole nother load of chaos for another time. Kageyama and Hinata lived with Mrs. Mio and Miwa until they eventually got their own apartment. Hinata was still scared from his past, occasionally flinching at Kageyama yelling, or going to hit him, but he had gotten much better. The only thing that would never change was how much Hineata hated thunderstorms. Every time there was a thunderstorm, he would still jump, and flinch, and yelp, each time, Kageyama being there to comfort him. Together, they could accomplish anything, even thunderstorms


Thank you so  much for reading! I hoped you enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed making it! Please tell me any suggestions you have in the comments. Tell me if you guys would like another Kagehina, a Kuroken, or an Iwaoi, or something else. I can write anything you guys like! Hope you enjoyed reading this and have a good day. Ukiyo signing off!

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