Chapter 3

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Liam sat on his bed with his knees drawn up to his chest, unable to stop shaking.

His dinner had been brought in and had gone cold on the little round table by the window. He'd not bothered turning on any lights, and simply could not stop trembling.

He hadn't been able to all that evening – since the forest.

Since he'd been lying there in the dirt, still recovering from a fantastic orgasm, and had been dealt a jolt that had nearly made his heart fail, making him realise that...


That fucking wolf – it wasn't a wolf!

He'd let Zayn fucking Malik eat his arse out!

Liam let out another mortified sob and covered his face, feeling his face heat, and aggravatingly enough, his cock swell.

He recalled the way he'd cried out in shock when he'd spoken behind him, scrambling around to see Zayn kneeling there, naked, looking at him calmly, as if it were the most normal thing in the world that just a minute prior, he'd been eating Liam's arse out like he were starving, while he was in wolf form.

Liam didn't know which part to process first – then he decided that he'd deal with the embarrassment of having had his arse eaten by the most powerful man known to him later. First things first—

Zayn was a wolf.

Liam felt the information slowly bloom out in his brain, slowly stirring to the forefront hazy memories of hushed bedtime stories with his mother from when he was merely five or six years old.

"Years and years ago, Liam," she'd whispered, tucking the covers around him, pale and wan from exhaustion, her hair falling in greasy strands onto her face that still bore the ghost of past beauty. "Those blessed with the precious gene of the wolf, they didn't have to hide; they roamed free, shifting into their wolf form as easily as they breathed, as and when they pleased..."

"What were they like?" he'd whispered. "Were they very big?"

"Oh, yes, very. Well, there were the Alpha wolves, the biggest of them all; enormous, majestic, the most powerful of them all; there were Betas, clever, strong, wilful when they wished to be; and there were Omegas, and they were – oh, Liam, one didn't know true beauty until one laid eyes on an Omega – they could leave even the Alphas speechless and in an uncontrolled frenzy..."

She had smiled at the way he'd stared up at her with huge, round eyes.

"It was the wolves that ruled us – the Alphas. And what rulers they made! They were kind, strong, and always watched out for their people. They took Omegas for mates, and bred sturdy little children, little pups, who too grew up to be wise, kind rulers themselves..."

"Where are they now?" he'd whispered when she had drifted off, staring into the weak fire that burned in the cracked stone fireplace.

"Oh, they're all gone, darling," she'd sighed, brushing his hair off his face with hands calloused from hard, manual labour. "They began cross-breeding, you see? Wolves mating with ordinary humans, it nearly always resulted in just an ordinary human baby – healthy, but still human. Their bloodlines were diluted until they were all but extinct," she looked at him with big, sad grey eyes, before suddenly smiling and leaning in closer.

"I'll tell you a secret nobody else knows," she'd offered, tapping him gently on the nose. He'd eagerly shifted closer to her, entranced by her story, mental images of massive, grand wolves and majestic rulers, powerful and strong filling his mind. "My mother once told me that her great, great, great grandmother was an Omega," she'd paused as Liam had gasped, letting out a little chuckle at his expression. "Women of our family were all Omegas – all stunning beauties. And they all mated wonderfully loving, truly powerful Alphas – the bond between an Alpha and his Omega was considered absolute," she'd widened her eyes at him as she'd spoken, as if to emphasise her point.

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