Chapter 10

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Zayn heard excited chattering as he neared his chambers and smiled to himself. Upon going inside, he saw Liam standing atop a round footstool, the stylist and her assistant hovering around him, holding lengths of various materials up against him as he looked ahead into the enormous standing mirror in front of them, his expression slightly harassed.

Zayn grinned as he caught Liam's eye in the mirror and the Omega turned around with an answering smile.

"Mr. Malik, you're not supposed to be here!" Felicia, the stylist, said hotly. "It's bad luck."

"But his suit isn't even ready yet," Zayn laughed as he walked in. Even though he stood at an added height, Liam only came up to his chin. Zayn placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and spoke softly to him.

"Are you nearly done here?" he brushed some of the fine curl hair off his face.

Liam sighed. "I told her to pick just about anything, I don't know nor care what material goes best with what cut," he frowned. "I honestly don't care what I wear, I'd marry you in my pyjamas if I could, I know those are expensive enough."

Zayn grinned. "Only the best for you, precious, you know I won't have it be any other way," he said kissing his nose.

"Would you want to wear white?" Felicia cut in.

"I see no point," Liam said wryly. "I can assure you I'm no virgin. Ask this one here if you'd like a confirmation," he indicated to Zayn who grinned.

"I think I pretty much took care of that," Zayn nodded and Felicia shook her head, rolling her eyes. "We could go make sure a few more times if you want," he turned to Liam and nuzzled his jaw while Liam laughed.

"I heard that," Felicia said making a face.

"Well, I didn't whisper," Zayn said cheekily. Then he turned back to Liam. "If you're finished here, you might want to slip away for a bit – you have some visitors."

"I do?" Liam looked bewildered. "Who?"

Zayn smiled and took his hand. "Come see for yourself."

Liam stepped lightly off the stool and started walking out hand in hand with Zayn.

"I'm not done with you!" Felicia protested.

"Honestly, Felicia, I don't care what you pick," Liam sighed as he paused and turned around. "Just make me a stupid suit; I don't care about the specifics."

The stylist looked beyond affronted and Zayn laughed at her expression. "He'll look stunning even in a burlap sack, Felly," he said. "Just make him what you think will suit him best – no limit on the budget."

Felicia grinned mischievously. "For either of your suits?"

Zayn rolled his eyes. "You know I prefer my suits in black. But apart from that, sure, no limit on the budget for either suit."

Leaving the stylist with an elated grin on her face, the Alpha and his Omega made their way out, shaking their heads and laughing softly. Once they descended the stairs and started towards the living room however, Zayn stopped Liam with an arm around his waist.

"I just want you to know that if this displeases you in any way, I never meant to hurt you," he said with a slightly anxious expression.

"What are you talking about?" Liam frowned in confusion.

Zayn sighed. "Come on, love." He tugged Liam along once more.

Liam was genuinely confused at Zayn's words and behaviour. Why would he be displeased about having visitors? And of course Zayn would never hurt him, he knew that already. What exactly was going on—

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