Chapter 17

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Liam giggled softly all the way upto his and Zayn's quarters, still laughing softly as he let himself into their bedroom and caught sight of his sweaty face and mud streaked clothes. He stripped quickly, still bursting out into sudden giggles every now and then.

Zayn and he had been out on their usual mid-morning run when he'd given the Alpha the slip.

He'd nudged the larger wolf playfully and had begun to run at top speed, Zayn's anxious whines soon turning into playful growls as they ran, gently jostling each other as they fought to outrun the other.

When the Alpha had shot forward on a sudden burst of breathtaking speed and strength, Liam had quickly changed paths, doubling his way back the way they'd come, weaving his way back through the trees until he'd come upon their mansion. Then he'd shifted back into human form and had run all the way upstairs, unable to stop laughing to himself.

He wasn't doing it to be cruel to Zayn or to cause him worry, of course, but honestly, the Alpha had been driving him completely mad these last three months. No matter how many times Liam assured him that he felt absolutely fabulous (except for the now rare bouts of morning sickness), Zayn fretted over him to the point where Liam threatened to go live with his parents for a few weeks.

Zayn invariably would look beyond terrified and more than a little crestfallen every time Liam made these empty threats and the Omega would lose the upper hand by immediately bursting out laughing and throwing himself at the forlorn looking Alpha.

But one couldn't exactly blame Liam. Zayn was nearly beside himself with worry and it only seemed to be getting worse as Liam's pregnancy progressed. He never seemed to believe Liam when the Omega assured him that he felt fine; not even when Niall confirmed it on their monthly check-ups (and Louis on their weeklycheck-ups – Zyn's insistence). He held Liam's hand during scans and always went slightly hysterical when they'd catch sight of the slightly fuzzy, shapeless form of their baby, when they heard the steady, soft heartbeat.

Liam actually found all of it rather adorable most times. Mostly though, he wished Zayn would stop worrying and would just actually enjoythe pregnancy, like he himself was. He woke each morning rubbing a hand over his belly in soft, silent greeting, smiling to himself. He found himself rolling his eyes and speaking softly to the baby every time he ran out of patience and got exasperated with Zayn (mostly in jest – Liam's love and patience when it came to Zayn was nearly infinite), or simply when he felt like a little chat with the little one (which was very often).

He looked at himself in the mirror now that he'd gotten out of his clothes. His skin practically shone, his hair was a glossy, golden sheet that fell past his shoulders, currently pulled into a low ponytail, a few silky strands escaping it to frame his delicate face. A healthy flush rose up his skin, and his eyes gleamed. His hips were wider than before and slowly widening further every day.

Mostly though, Liam admired his bump. He was just beginning to show, and skinny as he was, the little mound was barely even noticeable most of the time unless he was unclothed like he was currently. The little round bump rose in his lower belly, his skin stretched taut and smooth over it. Liam ran his hands lovingly over it, smiling without being aware of it, his heart automatically speeding up as he became aware of just how much he already loved the little thing in there.

A couple of minutes later he was still gently rubbing his belly when he Zayn burst into the room, completely out of breath, leaves and twigs in his hair, his expression almost crazed. Liam looked at him in the mirror and promptly burst out laughing.

"Precious, don't do that everagain," Zayn growled, looking very much like he was about to stomp his foot like a child. "Do know how badly I panicked when I looked around and saw you were gone?!"

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