Chapter 5

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"So now that I can at least trigger my ability. Is it time for us to head to the lab?" 

"Almost. We still need a plan. Syndicate will most likely track us down and try to confront us there. So we need to make sure we can walk out alive and are not captured."  I heard Christopher bring up.

Now that I thought about it more. Syndicate is after supers, and who knows they might already have a similar lead to the lab. That meant going in prepared and having a plan was our best bet.

"So here's what I think is going to happen." Miguel chimed in "Jason since you do have super speed. We will be surveying the interior." Miguel then continued. 

"Alright. I am game."

"Jasmine and Christopher. You two will be the B team of sorts. Backup that will be needed in case Syndicate shows up." 

I heard him explain the plan to everyone. I thought about how Syndicate was able to find me. They had to have some method of tracking us right? So maybe if we could find out how then we prevent that from happening. 

Not having them tracking us would make our job easier. It would also mean that plenty of other supers wouldn't be tracked. And that's always a good thing in the long run. 

"I thought of something. Might be a good idea to help us out in the future." 

"Oh? Let's hear it then." Miguel commented.

I then began to bring up what I was thinking. Mentioning how Syndicate knew where I was. As I explained this to them, Christopher seemed to think of something himself. 

"Ways for them to track us? Well, it's possible they have drones surveying and triangulating Brooklyn to spot any Super activity."

"Good thinking, both of you. Christopher, can you try to figure out a way to jam the drone's communication?" I heard Miguel ask Christopher.

"Yeah. I also might be able to do one better. Hack into them and see if we can learn more about their plans." 

Soon after I heard them finish up. We then started to head out to the lab. We didn't walk there; however, as it appeared our base had a few Speed Cycles that were now in possession by us. 

I rode on the back of Christopher's bike. With their only being 3 Speed Cycles, it wasn't possible to ride on my own, and I was fine with this. As we were heading to the lab, Christopher started to talk to me. 

"So tell me a bit about yourself." 

"Well, I'm 17. A bit of a nerd on the inside, and used to do track. Outside of that. Nothing really interesting about my life." 

I told this to Christopher. Not having many other things to bring up about myself. Most things about me were all boring, or not noteworthy for the most part. 

"What about you though? I know Jasmine and Miguel are like me. But do you have any powers yourself?" I asked.

"As far as I know. I don't. I am just a tech geek who grew up as Miguel's childhood friend." 

"What's his deal anyway? He does seem to be the only one who doesn't trust me? Why?"

"It's nothing against you, Jason. We were betrayed before meeting you. Someone who was like a brother to us left and Miguel took it to heart and was hard on himself for it."

Hearing that they were backstabbed. It kinda made me feel bad for Miguel. I could only imagine the feeling of having someone you trusted that much go against you in the long run. 

Knowing that and not moving on from the feeling. I understood now why he didn't seem very trusting of me. I would be the same way, so I wasn't going to misinterpret his intentions or attitude as being denoting towards me. 

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