1-6. The Marketplace, the Princess and the Slave Trade

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1-6. The Marketplace, the Princess and the Slave Trade

Kyra’s here. It’s Kazuki but I’m Kyra. This is a dream right? Please say that this is a dream, Johny.

A slight unrest began to arise inside my mind, when I went shopping on the earl’s territory metropolitan, Seryuu city.

It’s a few minutes walk to the east of Martha’s mother inn.

Come to think of it, I haven’t heard the name of the inn, the map says Monzen Inn; is that it?

Immediately after entering a series of food stalls, I smell something good.

Eh? Isn’t this the smell of soy sauce?

Okonomiyaki and crepes are being baked on an iron plate. The seasoning seems to be soy sauce. Just as I thought, it’s fine to call this a dream. There’s no way soy sauce exists in a fantasy!

Even though I’ve just had a meal, I buy one of them.

“Yep, it’s delicious.”

I want pork cutlet sauce rather than soy sauce. The other stalls seems to be frying something that looks like croquettes. What a high food culture for a fantasy!

I’m going around various stalls, trying various foods.

“How much is this gabo for 3 serving?”

“It’s 2 Pennies.”

“Expensive, isn’t it 1 penny?”

“young maam, like that, we couldn’t eat then; How about 2 pennies for 4 then?”

“Give me 5 for 2.”

“It can’t be helped, since young maam’s a beauty, I’ll give in.”

I listened to some interesting conversation between an aunty and a food stall owner. Haggling basic eh? Since I’m accustomed with just buying what’s written on the price tag, it looks difficult.

>[Eavesdropping Skill Acquired]

“Anything I can help, young man?”

Fumu, from the conversation earlier a gabo seems to be about 0.4-0.5 pennies a pop. Since this uncle has arithmetic skill, he should’ve been able to calculate the minimum amount.

“I want to buy 2 gabo, is it alright with 1 penny?”

“You’ve heard the conversation just now eh? It’s alright then. Young man have arithmetic skill too right. You’re pretty good for such young man.”

It’s just a normal mental arithmetic though…

I got 2 gabo fruit for 1 penny. Gabo is actually a fist-sized red pumpkin fruit. Incidentally, penny is an oblong shaped coin weighing about 1 gram, it’s a yellow-ish copper coin with high impurity.

>[Estimation Skill Acquired]

>[Haggling Skill Acquired]

But I didn’t haggle it?

Is it because I saw the earlier haggle by the aunty?

While wondering what to do with the gabo fruit I looked around me. The stalls are all around the size of half a tatami yet there are many of them. Furthermore they’re lively.

While looking around the stalls I raised [Estimation], [Haggling], [Arithmetic], [Negotiation], and [Scamming] skills to the max level.

After strolling around for 10 minutes, I finally found my goal.

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