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Dabi's p.o.v

I feel a sense of not belonging here as we walk through the hallways, my eyes only on Hawks and him greeting everyone in the facility like they're some type of family. I wonder how intimidated he was when he first visited this place. We stop when we arrive at a room in which is already flooded with guards at the door. Hawks opens the door for me and we enter, only to reveal more guards looking at us.

I notice how there's a wall with a glass window showing an adult male with blonde hair far across the other side of the room, an exact copy of my classmate. I knew right away that was his father, it had to be. We both take a seat I noticed the blonde boy's face light up.

"Keigo! Happy holidays my boy"


"Hey dad, we brought you gifts"

"Who's the boy's son?"

The father, who was speaking through a microphone so we could hear him from the other side and stares at me. A lot of questions surge in me as I find out Hawks wasn't really, well, Hawks. We were both using fake names to hide our true history.

Fuck it, I guess there's no point in hiding.

"I-I'm Touya, a classmate of Keigo"

I speak into my microphone and place my hand on his shoulder, exchanging stares. I know we were both thinking the same thing, his eyes widened too.

"Nice to meet you! I know it's not the best way to present myself.. But I'm glad you made it. Keigo never brings visitors with him"

"Hehe.. Yeah Keigo here has helped me get accustomed to the classes too, he's a good student"

"That's great to hear"

"It's the holidays and these motherfuckers can't even let me hug you? tch, this prison isn't shit" I heard my partner say changing his mood, he was starting to sound angry. "Hello? did any of you guards catch that? Can I at least breathe the same air as him for once?" He repeated, the guards not showing him a reaction. "Son it's alright, maybe next month-" His father said to comfort him but it was only a matter of until Hawks- I mean Keigo would get up from his seat. "Who the fuck do I have to talk to so I can give my old man a hug? It's been fucking years!" He continues to cuss at the guards who remained still. That was until a voice spoke from the speakers.

"Very well then, let the kid give him a hug, but he'll still be cuffed," it said, must be a supervisor looking from somewhere else.

The guards open the door, where Keigo quickly runs over to his father and gives him a tight hug. I know all I could do was watch. Made me feel almost useless in a way. Maybe I was crazy, but I could see a tear shed from Hawk's eyes as he pulled his dad into a tight embrace, their wings meeting and intertwining. His dad was also happy to have physical contact with his son. What I'm seeing right feels almost foreign to me, so this is what it looks like to care for your father?

"That's enough, Takami, let the kid go"

The whole moment lasted less than a minute, but Keigo didn't fight against it because he probably knew it was all he could get. Perhaps he pushed it too far. He returned back to his original setting and we gave our gifts to Mr. Takami. Hawks had given him a cologne so he could always smell good to his inmates, and I gave him a fruit cake, he was very thankful for them. And the conversation trailed on for another half hour.

"And how are things going over there, dad?"

"Oh shit Keigo! You have no idea! Your old man has been behaving well for quite some time now.."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Officials told me that if I keep going like this, they could release me a few years earlier?"

Keigo's face turned uneasy as he heard his father say these foolish words. Why? Maybe because he knew they would never let him out, they were lying to him. As his father continued to spout these words of false hope, my eyes saw how he was now shaking, and I held his hand to calm him down. He felt this contact and didn't hesitate to grip my hand hard as he couldn't handle more of these lies any longer.

"...That's great to hear dad.."

"Shit! Well, look at the time! It's been 45 minutes.. Wanna continue this conversation next month?"

We noticed the timer ticking as the guards guided us to the exit and didn't even give us time to say goodbye. A cold wind brushed through my hand which meant Hawks had let go of it. 

"fly" // dabihawksWhere stories live. Discover now