Chapter 7

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|Lucius's pov|

I was sitting on an arm chair looking at the fire as I had a glass of whiskey in my hand

But I wasn't feeling like drinking it

I just thought about what she said, I don't remember but I feel like I am forgetting something, I feel weird when I think of y/n

Y/n l/n why did I completely forget her? Like did I make myself forget her? Because why else wouldn't I remember her? I don't remember her at all. Say I did do all these bad things to her like she claims, then why don't I remember her? Or what I did? I have an excellent memory so obviously I should remember

'Why or who made me forget y/n? Is there a reason why? I don't understand did I force myself to forget her? But why she's a filthy mudblood she shouldn't matter so much that I force myself to forget her.' I think and I stare at the fireplace so confused

I sigh as an owl flies in and sits on the arm of my chair

I take the letter and shoo the owl which it pecks me

"Ow! You stupid owl." I say glaring at it which it didn't seem happy with me

I knew who sent it from the owl

I open the letter and read it which I frown not happy having a letter from Narcissa

I do wonder if she knows who y/n is and maybe could fill me in

So I sent a reply and asked and told her how Draco is since she asked

Did mention his broken arm

But I do wanna know if she remembers y/n because I certainly can't, and I hate the feeling of knowing something but I don't know what it is or I can't remember

And I wanna figure it out so I move on from this and just forget it 'I don't wanna think on this anymore, so I need to figure out why I feel like I'm forgetting something so I don't need to think about y/n so much.'

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