Chapter 14

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Dumbledore asked you to finish his meeting with Lucius

Because he had to leave for a while

And you seem to do well handling him

So you were right now finishing off the meeting and Lucius signs a document and you look at it and stop shocked, as you just stare at his signature

Lucius had a slightly smirk on his face as you just stare at the familiar cursive writing

No your secret admirer could never be Lucius malfoy no you refuse to even think that could be the case

"Something wrong?" Lucius asks and you shake your head

"No it's fine." You say and Lucius nods

"Good I don't think you needed to stare that hard at my signature." Lucius says and you just nod

Lucius leaves and you put up the letter to his signature

Not realizing Lucius was watching you

"Na I'm seeing things." You say as you get up and pick up the stuffed dog your mom made herself when she was pregnant with you

Tears roll down your cheeks as you hold it close to you and Lucius was ready to run and hug you

But he walked off leaving you to cry in your classroom

'Narcissa told me I was in love with her, which If I did love her why? What made her so special? I need to re-remember everything I don't know how I'll do it but I want my memories back so maybe I can stop feeling these things for her.' Lucius thinks as he walks off and he asked Dumbledore if you can finish the meeting, he had hoped you'd see his handwriting and figure it was him, him sending it you the gifts but it seems it didn't work 'I am scared to remember what if I remember something I don't want to, or my feelings fully come back, but if I remember I may finally be able to stay away from her or stop thinking about her.'

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