Chapter 48

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Umbridge took over the school and it just got worse but still couldn't touch you and that definitely made her mad

She hated it

She couldn't stand it

But today she asked if you know anything about a secret defensive against dark arts class

"No sorry I don't I don't think any of my students are involved." You say and she nods

"That's a lie as I know Harry Potter is in charge of it." She says and you know she hates Harry for some reason, even tho he hasn't done anything really to her but she seems to want to ruin his life

Like every other defence against the dark arts teacher lately

Well not Remus he was possibly the only one who hadn't tried to ruin his life

"Well Harry hasn't done anything to show he is involved so I'm sorry I can't help you." You say and umbridge nods

"You know if you weren't dating Lucius Malfoy, you'd already have been fired." Umbridge says and you smile

"Well good thing I'm dating Lucius so he can protect my rights." You say and umbridge frowns at you not happy you exist and your dating Lucius

"As a muggleborn I can't believe Lucius would ever date you, you shouldn't be with him." Umbridge says and you yawn bored of this, yeah you hear it so much your a muggleborn you shouldn't be with such a high up pureblood like Lucius

"I don't care about blood, I care about how someone treats me so I literally don't care now if you excuse me please leave my classroom!" You say so fed up with this woman she's so annoying and you never wanna be around her again, too bad she's headmistress now but still you can't stand her talking down to you

And her glaring at you and trying to put you in your so called place

"One day he won't be able to protect you and then he can't save you from me." She says and you nod not believing that Lucius has been in love with you since you were a teenager, you don't think this relationship is ending anytime soon, or who knows probably ever, Lucius seems to never want to let you go

Like you already live with him already

You both breaking up seems to be a very low thing to ever happen

So it makes you laugh that umbridge thinks you both will be broken up in like a week

Like no honey sorry that's not happening

"Sure you keep thinking that." You say and Umbridge leaves not happy 'Honestly Umbridge needs to leave me alone I'm so done with her.'

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