Chapter 55

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You didn't like being all alone in the big manor and today Draco came over one day to check up on you

He asked you probably don't like being here alone right?

You just nod

"I mean I have Padfoot but still yeah I don't like it, I was thinking of moving into grimmauld place, Sirius put me down as owner before he got arrested, he wanted someone he trusted in charge of all of his money and stuff, even saying if something happened to him I would be fine." You say as Draco nods

"The mass murderer?" Draco asks and you sigh

"Would you believe me if I said he was framed?" You say and Draco shrugs

"I mean you don't lie, so I would believe you as you even say in class you'll never lie to us so we should never lie to you." Draco says and you nod

"Well yes, Sirius was framed that night he was with me, I was staying with Lily and James Potter as I had just lost my family and my childhood home, so I stayed In their guest room. That Halloween night Sirius took me out when we came back they were dead, the house was set on fire, and Harry was crying outside as hagrid was holding him." You say and Draco looked shocked

"I see, so why does everyone say he did it then? If there's proof he was with you?" Draco asks as you look at padfoot

"Well would you like to explain or should I?" You ask and he barks at you and you sigh "He went after the real traitor in a rage, Peter pettigrew, you see the reason no one knew Peter was alive was because three of them, James, Sirius and Peter were unregistered Animagus." You say and Sirius jumps up as a dog and lays down beside you as you smile

"Really?" Draco says and you nod

"Yes, so Sirius didn't do it but he got locked up for 12 years like he did, without a trail and I lost someone I called a brother." You say and Draco looks at dog Sirius and started to think then his eyes widen

"This is why my dad said he'd protect your dog no matter what! Your dog is Sirius black!" Draco jumps up and Sirius turns back and waves

"Smart kid for a brat. Anyways hi I'm Sirius Black, and everything she said is true, I'm too cute for murder." Sirius says and you roll your eyes

"Well if my dad trusted you I trust you." Draco says and you smile as Sirius was now laying his head on your lap

"Okay great, anyways Draco you were asking if y/n wanted to stay here alone, technically she has me but go ahead and ask still." Sirius says and Draco was now reminded why he came here

"Right, well if you don't wanna stay in this big empty house, rather you can move to one of my dads smaller houses, or my mom would love if you stayed with us." Draco says seeming to want you to come stay with them

"Well Sirius what you think?" You ask and Sirius shrugs

"Would be nice to have a vacation and have other people take care of your depressed pregnant ass." Sirius says and you gasp and mess up his hair which he looked like it was the end of the world "MY HAIR IT TAKES HOURS IT GET IT PERFECT." Sirius says and Draco almost looked like he realized something

"Ah okay I must get my overdramatic self from the black family side got it." Draco says and you chuckle

"Yeah Sirius is probably the most over dramatic person I know, besides James." You say and Sirius sighed

"True though no one could rival me in being a drama queen but James, actually regulus maybe too, that tiny emo boy was so over dramatic if his soup was cold at dinner, even if he internalized it all but I saw his face so overdramatic." Sirius says as you sigh

"And you running away from home?" You say and Sirius sighs

"Oh yeah that but I think it was more betrayal to him then being dramatic about it." Sirius says as you both were talking you were thinking over Draco's request and smile

"Also Draco tell your mother I'd love to come stay." You say and Draco was so happy he started jumping up and down as you smile at him and sigh 'I might as well stay with them, I don't wanna put everything onto Sirius.'

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