Chapter 18

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"Ok Sirius I'm going out will you come or not?" You ask and Sirius pops his head out

"Na I'm good." Sirius says and you nod

"Ok I'll be back soon." You say as you then leave to do some shopping


You were looking through shops when a guy started chatting you up trying to get you on a date

You chuckle and giggle at his attempts of flirting it was cute

"If your trying to ask me out can I have your name?" You ask and they nod

"Oh yes, my name is Arceus." He says and strange name but maybe not strange in the wizarding world

"Cool my name is y/n." You say and he nods

"Lovely name." He says and you nod as you both keep talking

He asked about your parents and who they were and you said well they were muggles

"Were?" He says and you nod

"They got killed back in the war, I watched my childhood house burn to the ground." You say and he was shocked

"I'm so sorry for that, they didn't deserve that." He says and you nod as you smile and change the subject

You both talked and he really wanted that date so he got you with how charming he was to agree to tomorrow

You just finish your shopping with his help and he wanted to take you back home

Which you said your fine and told him to meet you here tomorrow

Then you apparated home

"Took too long I'm hungry, I was so about to catch a rabbit outside," Sirius says laying on the couch bored and you roll your eyes

"Shut it black." You say and Sirius chuckles as he gets up as Remus apparates in

"Rem!" Sirius says running and hugging him and Remus stroked his hair as Sirius hugs him

"Hey Sirius." Remus says as Sirius smiles at him happily that he's here

"I missed you so much," Sirius says and Remus nods

"Yeah same Sirius, now I did come to talk to y/n about some stuff so we can talk later." Remus says and Sirius nods not wanting to let go of Remus

You just chuckle 'I have never seen Sirius act like that ever, but 12 years in Azkaban I guess that could do it.'

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