Chapter 40

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|Lucius's pov|

Y/n had left for the day today, taking Sirius with her as she had said she had some stuff to do today

And Draco walks over to me and sits beside me smiling like he had something to say and was planning something, what is he planning? We'll time to figure out what it is

"Hey dragon can I help you?" I say sleepily as I sip my coffee it's way too early in the morning, I don't know how y/n could get up at 6 am to go where she needed. I can barely do that

"I just was wondering something?" Draco says and I nod wondering what he's wondering now, and I had my guesses from what Narcissa has been talking to me about what Draco had been asking her, seems he's changed to me now, if it's what I think it is

"Yeah go ahead and ask." I say as I yawn y/n left so early this morning to help a friend I didn't get my morning cuddles to wake up fully so I'm going to have to deal with being so tired all day, well until y/n comes back to cuddle me and wake me up

"Are you gonna like marry y/n?" Draco asks and I smile thinking of me and y/n getting married one day, I'd love that but it's not happening anywhere soon

"I hope so Draco but I have only started dating her marriage isn't happening any time soon." I say and Draco nods as he then thinks of something else to ask me

"What about kids? Am I gonna be getting a half blood sibling sometime in the future?" Draco says and I haven't really thought of kids much, mostly because I haven't decided in my head yet if I'm willing to give up my family's purity yet, I want to. I want to have kids with y/n but so many things that have been drilled into my head since I was born is stopping me from agreeing to ever have a planned baby with y/n

"I don't know that all depends on what y/n wants in the future Draco I won't force her to have kids, I have you and that's enough, and if she never wants kids then okay I'm good with that will leave me less to worry about in my head, and figure out as well." I say patting his head which he didn't look pleased with that "Or are you asking because you want a sibling?" I ask and Draco nods which I've heard what he's been asking of Narcissa, but Narcissa isn't even with someone and she's said she won't ever be with someone again, so he's never going to get a kid that way

"Yeah I do and mom said she's never having another kid so your next to give me what I want." Draco says and I sigh as I pat his cheek which Draco has always hated when I do that so I do it more just to annoy him

"Look I just got with y/n so we're not planning anything like that, yeah accidents happen but well it won't be a planned baby for a long time Draco." I say and Draco shrugs

"I feel like that's just an excuse for you to say your old and don't do well in bed anymore." Draco says and I let out an annoyed sigh and just ignore him as he laughs saying yeah I'm so right

'I would love to have a family with y/n one day but is my family's bloodline more important to me? I still haven't even figured that out for myself, and who knows I may never figure it out but I do have to if y/n tells me one day she wants kids.'

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