16 | Every Life

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Autumn's head laid on the table with cushion from her left arm while she used her right hand to color in a drawing of Princess Tiana in a coloring book

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Autumn's head laid on the table with cushion from her left arm while she used her right hand to color in a drawing of Princess Tiana in a coloring book. She'd found the book of solely black cartoon characters in Marshall's about a week ago and had been coloring in it nonstop ever since.

It had only been a few days of having the 150 page book and she was already halfway done with it. She frequently used it to pass time and to get her mind off of being alone for most of the day; from seven in the morning until four in the afternoon, to be specific.

She knew it was selfish to say but she honestly couldn't wait until they moved to Houston because Dayvon wouldn't be working for a while. She was so tired of being by herself all day.

Even her mother had friends to do things with almost every day, and although Hazel had invited her out with them plenty of times, Autumn would prefer to be around women her own age. She wanted friends so badly.

It was hard to make them, though. She didn't drive at all due to being traumatized from the incident with her father and sister, so it wasn't like she could just randomly go to the mall and introduce herself to other women; and whenever she went out with Dayvon, she was focused entirely on him and August.

Being lonely had really begun to take a toll on her mental health. She wanted her own friend(s) to go places with, shop with, do each other's hair and makeup, and talk about their boyfriends/families together. It was much easier to make friends back when she was a teenager than it is now.

She felt like especially now that she was pregnant, it hurt her feelings more than ever to spend the day by herself. Her hormones were constantly changing so she cried almost everyday because of it.

"Mommy! I'm homeeee!" August announced as he walked in the house, causing Autumn to quickly wipe her face as best as she could.

"Hi stinky! I missed you sooo much." She returned the same energy after picking him up for a hug, feeling his arms wrap around her neck.

"I missed you too Princess. What you doing?" He asked, and the nickname coming from him made her smile. He'd been calling her that for almost a month now, of course picking it up after hearing his father say it so often.

"I'm just drawing and eating some fruit. You want some?" She tilted her bowl down so that he could choose something from the assortment, and he picked up a small strawberry.

"You can make me lunch while I take a bath mommy? Daddy said I have to 'cause I fell in the mud at recess today." He pointed to the dried up mud on the front of his jeans, and she nodded her head before placing him down on his feet.

"Yeah, I can send the down payment tomorrow morning." Dayvon walked in the house with three Walmart bags and his phone between his left shoulder and ear.

He greeted Autumn with a brief kiss on her lips once he sat the bags down on the counter, then he held up his finger to tell her he'd be back. He gestured with his head for August to follow him to the bathroom, and he did so after getting another strawberry.

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