Married | Graves

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I wrote more smut. Big surprise.
I hope you enjoy.

I haven't seen or spoken to my husband in months. He's Commander Phillip Graves from the Shadow Company. So that means he's always off in business, but that doesn't mean I miss him any less.
I've been in Task Force 141 with Captain Price, Lieutenant Ghost, and Sergeants Soap and Gaz since after I last saw my husband. But every day, I keep a photo of Phillip and I from our wedding day in one of my pockets just to keep him with me at all times. None of the boys on the team called me by my first or last name. It's just Bee or Lieutenant Bee. So, it makes sense that they are unaware who my husband is.

Today, we were stuck in a huge gun fight, and we were greatly outnumbered. All of us were running low on ammo and getting cornered for our future. We were all starting to fear that we weren't going to make our way out of this one until a large plane flew over us. "Is that?.." I asked, seeing the insignia on the side of the plane. "Shadow Company?" I stared at the plane as it flew past a mountain, but it didn't pop out from the other side.
Price looked up before the plane disappeared behind the mountain. "That is a site for sore eyes. Reinforcements have arrived." He shouted over the sound of guns firing. I began to shake from excitement. Was I finally going to see my husband after 6 months of being apart?
It was just in time as I ran out of ammo before a swarm of black suits came over the hill and started firing at our enemies. "Captain!" Said a familiar voice in all our ears, and Captain immediately cupped his earpiece with his hand to listen. "You and your team need to stay down. We're about to bring in some heavy fire!" Said Phillip's voice in all of our ears.
"Copy!" Captain responded before ducking for cover next to Gaz. Ghost got down, and Saop as well.
I felt my heart skip a beat. It was him. "Phillip…" I said underneath my breath and smiled. More gunshots arose, and since I didn't have any more bullets. I simply hid my head with my arm and curled up into a ball in the corner of the abandoned building we were hiding in. Bullets scraped past the cracks in the walls, zooming past my body only to cause me to jump and squeeze my body tighter.
It felt like it was forever until all the gunfire finally stopped. "Are you all still alive?" Shouted Phillip, and I immediately popped my head up to see through the hole in the wall. He stepped forward, lifting his sunglasses, and I gasped quietly. His eyes scanned the building like he was looking for somthing or someone.
"I believe so!" Captain Price said as he looked around at all of us, and we nodded that we were fine.
Everybody got up and stepped out of the abandoned building, and we stared at our allies. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as Phillip made eye contact with me. "Hey Bee." He smiled at me as his eyes ran up and down my body, causing chills to cover me. He had a new scar on his cheek, but he was still the same handsome man that I married. The man that I've missed every single day for 6 months.
"Hey.." I replied, feeling my heart pounding and my gun slipping from my fingers.
He set his gun on his back. "Are you going to stand there or give your husband a hug?" He asked, holding out his arms and smirking. 
I dropped my empty gun and ran to Phillip. "I've missed you so much!" I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and he caught my waist in his arms, holding me tightly. He spun us around in a circle, and I began welling up with tears.
"I missed you too. " he kissed my cheek before he buried his face into my neck. I squeezed him and tried fighting back my tears.
"Wait? Your husband is Phillip Graves?" Asked Ghost's cold voice as he watched us hold each other.
I pulled away from the hug, but Phillip kept one of his arms around my waist, so I rested my hands on his shoulder closest to me. "For the past year and a half." He said proudly, and his eyes moved to my lips. I sighed happily when he looked back up into my eyes.
"Let's get out of here." Captain announced before stepping away and speaking into his walkie-talkie.
"Agreed. Shadows, move out!." Phillip ordered his man, then he looked back at me and kissed my cheek again. My cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so widely. I leaned in to kiss my husband but was interrupted by Saop patting Phillip on the shoulder as he walked past. That's when the Shadows escorted us back to the plane, and Phillip kept me by his side the entire ride.

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