Sunshine | König

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König and I have been together for some time, two years to be exact. As of one year ago, he showed me his face for the first time. I know you may think it's weird to date somebody without seeing their face, but he's 6'10. So even if he was wearing something other than his T-shirt mask. I would be able to tell who my boyfriend was. How we met and started dating isn't important, but let's just say it's top secret.
We have been living together for a few months now, and it was working out great. He, however, was in the military and would be gone for long periods of time, but he would always greet me with a kiss and tight hug.
König has severe social anxiety, so we don't go out a lot, but I'm not much of a people person anyway. Most of the time, we would just stay home and watch movies or do 'other things'. He also had horrible night terrors, and there were nights that he would twitch, jerk, or even scream so loud that it would wake me up. I do my best to soothe him, but sometimes it doesn't work, and he would just have to go to be alone for a while. He would usually come back after an hour or so and apologize. I told him he never needed to apologize, but he always insisted.

König was asleep next to me after not being home for 5 days. We were cuddling when his arms jerked and pushed me off the bed and woke me up. "Ow.." I whispered and rolled on to my back and looked up at the side of the bed. I guess the thud from my body hitting the floor woke him up because he called my name. I lifted my hand and hooked it on the edge of the bed to set up. "Down here." I confirmed before rubbing my forehead.
He leaned over, and his eyes widened with worry as they met mine. "What happened?" He asked, reaching for my hand.
"I fell." I muttered, taking his hand and crawling into the bed and back into his arms.
I didn't want him to know that he pushed me because he always felt guilty about it, and I didn't want him to feel worse, so I just didn't mention that he helped in my fall.
He pulled me to his chest and ran his hand up and down my back before closing his eyes and lying on the pillow. I stared up at his smooth face. I couldn't help but watch him. He was adorable when he slept. The handsomest man I had ever laid eyes on. I loved him for who he was, but DAMN he was fine. "You didn't fall on the floor, did you?" He said softly, breaking the silence.
I didn't want to lie to him, so I answered. "Honestly, no.."
"I pushed you, didn't I?" He asked with his eyes still closed.
"Maybe.." I said softly. He Inhaled sharply, then sighed. "Honey. It's not your fault." I cupped his cheek and ran my thumb across his cheekbone.
"I feel like it is." He said as he scooted closer than buried his face into my neck. "Sweetheart." I smile softly from his warm lips against my collarbone. I ran my hand up and down the back of his neck. "Do you want me to sing a song for you?" I asked because I know he likes my singing, from time to time. He slowly nodded, which caused me to smile and kiss his head before I started to sing. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray." I sang softly, and my gentle voice filled our room. I felt his body relax against mine, and I continued to sing. "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you." I smiled and cupped the back of his head while running my thumb through his hair. "Please don't take my sunshine away. The other night, dear. As I lay sleeping." I kissed his head and then continued to sing. "I dreamed I held you in my arms," I smiled brightly. "When I awoke, dear. I was mistaken." He slowly lifted his head from my neck and looked into my eyes while smiling softly. It gave me butterflies, and I continued to sing. "So I hung my head, and I cried." I pouted playfully, and he pouted back, causing me to giggle before I started to sing again. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you." As I sang, he mouthed back 'I love you too', and I smiled as I sang. "Please don't take my sunshine away…" As I finished singing. He held my back with his large hands and pulled my lips to his. I kissed back, cupping his cheeks and enjoyed the moment with the love of my life.

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