Chapter 18: Sio

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Seren watched the soldiers prepare from afar. The plan was to take down the barrier and attack the witches cult while the everyone except Seren and IO escaped to a safe place Roswaal called the sanctuary. Once they were gone they wouldn't  have to hold back and would destroy the cult with Seren and IO's fusion technique.

Felix: Seren!

Seren turned to see Felix walking toward him.

Seren: Yeah?

Felix: I nyeed you in my healing room.

Seren nodded and followed Felix to a room in the mansion that had been chosen as the medical bay. When they entered Seren could see Rem, Emilia and Beatrice standing by a bed, waiting.

Seren: So what's going on.

Felix: To fight the witches cult you're going to need your full power. So the four of us are going to heal your gate as much as possible until the battle begins.

Seren: I can't believe you managed to convince All of them.

Felix: Well Beatrice was a bit tough but I got it done.

Beatrice: Betty is only doing this so Bubby isn't sad I suppose.

Felix: Now then, please lay down.

Seren complied. Walking to the bed and lying down on it. The four sorrounded the bed and began to cast healing magic on Seren's gate. He felt very good. He could feel his gate slowly healing, bit by bit, he was getting his strength back.


A soldier bursted into the room.

Solider: The battle is beginning soon, please come sir Seren!

Seren: I guess that's all.

Rem: Yes, good luck Seren.

Seren and Rem shared one last hug before Seren ran out of the room. Determination is in eyes. As the exited the mansion, the barrier was coming down. The witch cult was coming with their forces coming to meet them. Seren rushed into the fight, taking down many witch cultist with his unseen hands. He eventually made his way to the man who seemed to be leading them all.

???: I have been waiting for you! You are infested with Love! LoveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloLoveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloLovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove!

Seren: Gezz! Chill out there dude!

???: Aw yes I forget to introduce myself! How slothful I am! I am Petelguese Romanee  Conti! Sin archbishop of the witches cult! Representing Sloth!

Petelguese shouted while violently bitting his fingers until they bled.

Seren: I don't care who you are! If you're going to attack us, then you will perish!

Petelguese: Fool! I am unseen!

Seren saw many unseen hands coming from his back. Seren avoided these unseen hands with ease. They seemed to move much slower then Seren's unseen hands.

Seren: That's cool, but I got a better one.

Seren unleashed his own unseen hands. They grabbed Petelguese by the neck. Slowly chocking him. Until he exploded into a pool of blood.

Seren: That was easier then I thought it would be.

IO: Don't get overconfident! There's more coming!

Seren and IO continued to fight off the seemingly endless numbers of the witch cult. They both knew they could wipe them all out with a powerful attack. But they had to buy time for everyone   to escape. After a while they were finally gone. It was time.

IO: Seren!

Seren: Right!

Seren and IO approached each other, as they got close IO flew into Seren's body. He suddenly felt power like he new had before. They had fused into their final form. Sio. He looked just like Seren only with red hair and a glowing red aura around him.

Sio: This is it!

Sio went into action. His speed was uncanny, he moved faster then the eye could see. And he hit harder then ever before. Witch cultist after witch cultist went down. Petelguese, who had body swapped to his fingers many times now, was on his last leg.

Petelguese: Impossible Impossible Impossible!

Sio: Authority Shot!

Sio raised his hand causing a massive shockwave to be sent in all directions. Everything it touched was instantly annihilated. This was why everyone had to leave before they did this. If they didn't they would meet the same fate.


Emilia watched the bright red shockwave from far away.

Emilia: What is that power?

Rem: That is Seren and IO's trump card. Authority Shot. It kills anyone caught within the blast, sending them to a permanent oblivion in the center of hell.

Emilia:  Oh my......


The witch cult was dead. They were gone forever and would never return. All their power used up, Seren and IO split back into there original forms.

IO: We,

Seren: IO!

Seren picked up the small red orb in his hands tears in his eyes.

IO: I'm sorry......this is where I leave you.

Seren: I don't think so! I've been through to much for you too just die!

IO: There is nothing you can do. My gate is too damaged for any recovery.

Seren: Then...... maybe.

Seren used his authority's. Combining them together to create something. He imagined it in his mind, slowly appearing in front of him until, it did. Seren was holding a bright red necklace. He acted quickly, placing IO inside it. A bright light apeared until IO was no longer seen. And then.

IO: Ok, you gotta explain that to me.

IO suddenly apeared next to him.

Seren: Well I figured since you're gate is no longer functional, I would make a new one. This necklace is now your link between life and death. You can't get to far from it and it can never get destroyed or you will disappear. IO, I'm sorry it had to be like this.

IO: It's alright I though I was dead, you've saved me even if I can't leave your side. I'm already your contracted spirit.

Seren: You're right there! Well I missed you IO, I'm glad you're here to support me.

IO: Don't worry. I'll be your brains for your brawn always from now on.

Editors note: Thank you for 350 views! I never thought that my story I write for fun would ever have this much support. Thank you all a lot! Also sorry this chapter was shorter, the next one is the start of arc 4 and that ones gonna likely be the longest chapter I've ever written, so this chapter needed to be a bit shorter so that I can make the next one great. Let me know how I can improve in the comments and I'll see you next chapter!

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