Chapter 45: Relocated

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They were now a week into their training and were making great progress. Garfiel was now capable of blocking 90 of Clea's punches in a row, Rem was not far behind with 81 and Priscilla was less fortunate with only 16

Priscilla: This is ridiculous! You're clearly trying extra hard against mineself.

Clea: Lady Priscilla, the reason you're behind is because you're not taking my advice to improve.

Priscilla: Be silent servant! I know better then some lowly maid!

Clea: Please you-

Priscilla: Do not question my authority! All you have to do is bow down and serve me!

IO: I keep telling you, knock it off and take her advice! You've gotten faster from constantly training, but if you don't take her advice you're not going to block them all!

Priscilla: Hmph!


Seren ate the meal in silence. The combat maids had given him a perfectly cooked steak with a side of eggs and bacon, as well as a small salad. The meal would have been delicious, but to Seren, it tasted like nothing. Nothing could taste good in this situation.

Seren raised his arm and sent an unseen hand at the wall. Just like many times before, it completely vaporized before touching it. The wall seemed to have those crystals implanted it them.

Seren: Why can those crystals cancel out my authority's?

Seren pondered for a long time, but came up with nothing.

Seren: Damn it! IO could probably come up with something easily! If only he didn't have that necklace. Think! Why do the crystals work like this?! Why don't my authority's work around them!?

Seren thought and thought but still came up with no answer. His time trapped was doing something to him. Seren hadn't seen even a bit of sunlight for over a week. He had to deal with "love" from May every night. He just wanted to go home, to see Rem and IO. Seren was so preoccupied he didn't hear the door slowly creek open.

Cecilus: Hey!

Seren turned to see Cecilus standing in the doorway, smirk on his face, sword in hand. Before Seren said a work, Cecilus shot forward at incredible speed, slicing Seren's restraints with a swing of his sword.

Seren: W-what are-

Cecilus: I've got orders to bring you. I could drag you but I think you'd rather have a chance to rest your hands from the constant friction of the metal.

Seren: You're right about that. But where to?

Cecilus: Not sure. Just follow me. Also don't run, you wouldn't want to lose a hand. How would you fondle that gal of yours if you're missing a hand?

Seren: H-hey! I would never do something so disrespectful without consent!

Cecilus: Sure sure.

Cecilus gave him a wink as they left the room. They walked down a long hall, it was dark, Seren couldn't see even a trace of sunlight, the floor was wood, cracked and tainted by old age, the dark stone walls, illuminated only by crystals, water coming from small gaps within them gave Seren an awful feeling of fear. Where was he? Underground maybe? Or possibly some kind of abandoned basement?

As they reached the end of the long tunnel, they came upon a small platform. Cecilus stepped on and Seren quickly followed. Cecilus reached for a rope that hung connected to the platform, shaking it violently. Shortly after, to Seren's surprise, it began to move upward. Almost like an elevator, not that Seren knew what an elevator was.

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